Switchbox Inc. develops innovative web applications custom tailored to your business. All our staff work out of our Columbus, Ohio based office. As a result, we don’t staff your development project with a group of random people who have never worked together. Instead, we provide a team of professionals who have worked together for years to take on your project. This team approach means that the person you met at the first meeting is also the person you see at the end. Project knowledge stays with the project.
Rapid Project Approval
“How do I get this project started?” our proven process gets IT projects moving even with the most complicated approval processes. We provide a visual and a high-level scope within 1-2 meetings, so your project stands out fast. You don’t need a PO, an MSA or even an expense account to get your project moving. Give us a call and we will help you move your project forward.
Corporate Innovation
Sometimes companies know there is a better way but can’t quite define what it looks like. That’s where we come in. We take internal company projects from a simple idea to a fully working application in just a few months. We know how to support internal teams, so projects get done instead of being stuck on the agenda month after month.
Experience counts. We’ve been doing this for more than 15 years. Our range of projects is so diverse chances are we have solved a problem similar to yours. Or maybe you need help navigating the red tape that got your project stopped last time. Check out our Case Studies to see what we’ve done. Then give us a chance to learn more about your unique problem.