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Charity Runner

Connie Brown
We did it before, let's can do it again!!💜

Fundraiser Login


Raised of $500


Your donation will help provide counseling sessions for our young girls and women, who cannot afford counseling.

MAY is Mental Health Awareness Month and I'm participating in the May the Course Be With You 5K/10K race! In addition to Running the Course, my desire is to Be a FORCE in the lives of girls and women in my community! And that's why I've decided to also fundraise as a Charity Runner!

May the Course race is raising money to benefit a very special mental health resource in our community, Restoration Place Counseling (RPC). RPC offers significantly-discounted, professional counseling services to girls and women, thus eliminating the barrier of high cost - a nationally and locally documented reason why many women do not seek the services they need. Each year, RPC serves approximately 600 women and completes about 9,000 counseling sessions.

RPC continues to have a record number of clients who need access to the lowest fee on their sliding scale (only $25/session). People are hurting and hopeless. For every $25 session offered to a woman without resources to afford standard industry mental health costs, RPC must raise approximately $95 to cover the gap between what the client pays and what it costs to offer the service. 

Please consider supporting me with a tax-deductible donation so that I can reach my fundraising goal! Thank you for your consideration!

May the Force Be With You and the Course With Me! Always.


Top Donors

$125 Raised By 3 Donors

$75 on behalf of Ralph ELLERBE
$25 on behalf of Jocelyn Crawford
$25 from Anonymous

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