Sofia Meyer, “Safety Sofia”, is a Personal Self Defense Instructor. Safety Sofia’s mission is to equip, empower, and educate all individuals to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of crime. Safety Sofia is a certified Jane Jitsu Core Instructor, SOLD Instructor (for Realtors) and Independent Crystal Director with Damsel in Defense. Safety Sofia is also a student of R.A.D, (Rape Aggression Defense systems) and SHARP (Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention). Safety Sofia is a skilled classroom and field trainer delivering over hundreds of hours of training. Safety Sofia’s calling is to serve and help others and does so by also working in the medical field as a Radiation Therapist, and CT Technologist. She is a member of the West Metro Chamber of Commerce, the BNI and looks for every opportunity to be a resource in personal safety and crime reduction. Sofia is a dedicated mother and grandmother who regularly volunteers at her children’s Jefferson County elementary school. She loves to snowboard, hike, workout, and teach her children and grandchildren how to be empowered.