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KC Pet Project 5K

Sat June 7, 2025 Kansas City, MO 64132 US Directions

KC Pet Project

Donate Register

KC Pet Project provides love and medical care to 15,000 homeless, abandoned, and often injured pets that arrive in-need each year.

Top Donors

$2,079 Raised By 85 Donors

$150 on behalf of Bobbi Truitt
$100 on behalf of Robin Fugate
$75 on behalf of Dodger
$75 on behalf of Nicole Hastings
$65 on behalf of NANA BANANA HILLIARD
$52 from Facebook Donation
$50 from Facebook Donation
$50 on behalf of Alison Zaiden
$50 on behalf of Artemis and Apollo
$50 on behalf of Chelsea Anderson
$50 on behalf of Christopher Mark
$50 on behalf of Daniel Mahoney
$50 on behalf of Daniel Mahoney
$50 on behalf of Emily Vallarta
$50 on behalf of Erin O'Sullivan
$50 on behalf of Mary Green
$50 on behalf of Remi Wilkerson
$50 on behalf of Sydney Owen
$31 from Facebook Donation
$30 from Anonymous
$26 from Facebook Donation
$25 on behalf of Alan Hainkel
$25 on behalf of Amanda Wheeler
$25 on behalf of Arthur Chesters
$25 on behalf of Ashlee Middlebrook
$25 on behalf of Emily Benson
$25 on behalf of James Mick
$25 on behalf of Jason Kelling
$25 on behalf of Kate Bello
$25 on behalf of Kate Bradshaw
$25 on behalf of Kathleen Ford
$25 on behalf of Matilda Chengappa
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Melanie Meyers
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Nichole Froning
$25 on behalf of Nino Enna
$25 on behalf of rjlapresa
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Thomas Mooberry
$25 on behalf of Tiffany Jacobs
$20 on behalf of Shreshtha Bangar
$15 on behalf of Adam Litchkowski
$15 on behalf of Amanda Bishop
$15 on behalf of Ashley Ballard
$15 on behalf of Hannah Hasty
$15 from Anonymous
$15 on behalf of Justin Langford
$15 on behalf of Kathy Bonadonna
$15 on behalf of Mandy Truitt
$15 from Anonymous
$15 on behalf of Michelle Guinta
$15 on behalf of Sue Ingenthron
$15 on behalf of Teddy Gillespie
$11 from Facebook Donation
$10 from Facebook Donation
$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Angela Gage
$5 on behalf of Anna McIntyre
$5 on behalf of Brad Miller
$5 on behalf of Corrina Beck
$5 on behalf of Crystal Hardman
$5 on behalf of Gaige Olivero
$5 on behalf of Hope Campbell
$5 on behalf of Jennifer Waisner
$5 on behalf of Jessica Kiser
$5 on behalf of Joey Gross
$5 on behalf of Kate Cunningham
$5 on behalf of Kelley Shea
$5 on behalf of Kelsey Sloan
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Lauren Waldman
$5 on behalf of Lesley Foster
$5 on behalf of Linda Olvera
$5 on behalf of Lizabeth Vuillemin
$5 on behalf of Megan Michael
$5 on behalf of Meghan Douglas
$5 on behalf of Meghan Rouchka
$5 on behalf of Paul Yeoman
$5 on behalf of Rachel Thompson
$5 on behalf of SARAH LONG
$5 on behalf of Steph Hatfield
$5 on behalf of Tamera Hix
$5 on behalf of Tiffany Bogardo


Aaron Wagner
$500 Goal
Abbey Chingren
$500 Goal
Abigail Nash
$500 Goal
Adam Gabbert
$500 Goal
Adam Litchkowski
$15 Raised
Addison Jurczak
$500 Goal
Addison Taylor
$500 Goal
Aidan Nash
$500 Goal
Alan Hainkel
$25 Raised
Alex Cabriza
$500 Goal
Alex Duey
$500 Goal
Alex Hasty
$500 Goal
Alexandra Williamson
$500 Goal
Alexandria Puett
$500 Goal
Alexis Lynn
$500 Goal
Alina Abraham
$500 Goal
Alison Lute
$500 Goal
Alison Zaiden
$50 Raised
Alissa Waddell
$500 Goal
Allie Ryals
$500 Goal
Amanda Bishop
$15 Raised
Amanda Brendel
$500 Goal
Amanda Crocker
$500 Goal
Amanda Dopson
$500 Goal
Amanda Wheeler
$25 Raised
Amber Dewitt
$500 Goal
Amy Glosenger
$500 Goal
Amy Hendricks
$500 Goal
Anabel Glenn
$500 Goal
Andre Nash
$500 Goal
Andrea Seput
$500 Goal
Andrew Beckman
$500 Goal
Andrew Gillespie
$500 Goal
Andrew Grube
$500 Goal
Andrew Leyva
$500 Goal
Andrew Llamas
$500 Goal
Andria Osborne
$500 Goal
Angela Gage
$5 Raised
Angelica Beltran
$500 Goal
Angie Wilkerson
$500 Goal
Ann Wrobley
$500 Goal
Anna McIntyre
$5 Raised
Anna McKune
$500 Goal
Anna Salazar
$500 Goal
Annabelle Blodgett
$500 Goal
April Todorovski
$500 Goal
Arie Owen
$500 Goal
Arlette Acosta
$500 Goal
$500 Goal
Ashlee Middlebrook
$25 Raised
Ashley Applebury
$500 Goal
Ashley Ballard
$15 Raised
Ashley Bingham
$500 Goal
Ashley Elkiwan
$500 Goal
Ashtyn Schieferecke
$500 Goal
Atryino Dolon
$500 Goal
Audrey Eddy
$500 Goal
Audrey Werner
$500 Goal
Aurora Applebury
$500 Goal
Ava Wieser
$500 Goal
Bailey Kenney
$500 Goal
Barbara Wise
$500 Goal
Becky Willoughby
$500 Goal
Beth Masters
$500 Goal
Blaine Ragsdale
$500 Goal
Bobbi Truitt
$150 Raised
Brad Miller
$5 Raised
Brady Walker
$500 Goal
Brandon Taylor
$500 Goal
$500 Goal
Brandy Steeby
$500 Goal
Breann Abraham
$500 Goal
$500 Goal
Brenda Mark
$500 Goal
Brenda Richards
$500 Goal
Brendan Carpenter
$500 Goal
Brian Ray
$500 Goal
Brianna Caravella
$500 Goal
Brianna Clayton
$500 Goal
Brianna Symmonds
$500 Goal
Brittany Franks
$500 Goal
Brittney Stephens
$500 Goal
Bryan Lute
$500 Goal
Cade Nelson
$500 Goal
Candace Cunningham
$500 Goal
Carl Glosenger
$500 Goal
Carly Jameson
$500 Goal
Carol Davis
$500 Goal
Caroline Finnerty
$500 Goal
Carrie Izatt
$500 Goal
Carrie Kaberline
$500 Goal
Carrie Ross
$500 Goal
Casey Biggers
$500 Goal
Celina Bouchard
$500 Goal
Chad Lien
$500 Goal
Chandra Johnson
$500 Goal
Charles Glover
$500 Goal
Charlie Forrester
$500 Goal
Chelsea Anderson
$50 Raised
Chloe Fuleihan
$500 Goal
Chris Applebury
$500 Goal
Chris Brownfield
$500 Goal
Chris Chingren
$500 Goal
Christabel Appiah
$500 Goal
Christi Alumbaugh
$500 Goal
Christian Anderson
$500 Goal
Christian Lynn
$500 Goal
Christina Bumgarner
$500 Goal
Christina Lawson
$500 Goal
Christina W
$115 Raised
Christine Nace
$500 Goal
Christine Severe
$500 Goal
Christine Torres
$500 Goal
Christopher Mark
$50 Raised
Christy Skiles
$500 Goal
Ciara Hawkins
$500 Goal
Cindy Bell
$500 Goal
Cinthia Reyez
$500 Goal
Clayton Hodges
$500 Goal
Clint Morrow
$500 Goal
Corey Kaplan
$500 Goal
Corrina Beck
$31 Raised
Cortney Mayhew
$500 Goal
Cory Harris
$500 Goal
Craig Brallier
$500 Goal
Cristina Ruiz
$500 Goal
Crystal Hardman
$5 Raised
Cybill Forsyth
$500 Goal
Dalia Guerrero
$500 Goal
Dan Anderson
$500 Goal
Dan Roehler
$500 Goal
Dania Noyola
$500 Goal
Daniel Mahoney
$50 Raised
Daniel Marquez
$500 Goal
Danielle Millard
$500 Goal
Danielle Thompson
$500 Goal
Danny Faught
$500 Goal
Danny White
$500 Goal
Dave Schmitz Schmitz
$500 Goal
David Maricle
$500 Goal
David Miles
$500 Goal
David Waldrop
$500 Goal
Dawn Pyle
$500 Goal
Dawson Kruse
$500 Goal
Dean (rocky) Buford
$500 Goal
Dean Vakas
$500 Goal
Deena Tauber
$500 Goal
Deliece Hofen
$500 Goal
Derek Van Rensselaer
$500 Goal
Desirrae Taylor
$500 Goal
Devin Edwards
$500 Goal
Donielle Stephenson
$500 Goal
Dylan Parco
$500 Goal
Elaine Fangman
$500 Goal
Eli Anderson
$500 Goal
Elle Schultz
$500 Goal
Emily Benson
$25 Raised
Emily Eng
$500 Goal
Emily Humbel
$500 Goal
Emily Worth
$500 Goal
Eric Buckley
$500 Goal
Eric Hardman
$500 Goal
Erica Holman
$500 Goal
Erica Schorgl
$500 Goal
Ericka Schweder
$500 Goal
Erin O'Sullivan
$50 Raised
Eryiel Joyce Mascardo
$500 Goal
Evan Dubbert
$500 Goal
Felicia Shands
$500 Goal
$500 Goal
Francesca Carney
$500 Goal
Frank Vera
$500 Goal
Gabriel Mark
$500 Goal
Gabriela Oropeza
$500 Goal
Gage Weber
$500 Goal
Gaige Olivero
$5 Raised
Gaye Hoppert
$500 Goal
Gilbert Gonzalez
$500 Goal
Gina Vidales
$500 Goal
$5 Raised
Glenne Harvell
$500 Goal
Gracyn Green
$500 Goal
Grant Buell
$500 Goal
Gretchen Forrester
$75 Raised
Gretchen Jameson
$500 Goal
Hailey Nazworthy
$500 Goal
Haley Bradberry
$500 Goal
Halla Shafer
$500 Goal
Hana Gustin
$500 Goal
Hannah Hasty
$15 Raised
Hannah Hawk
$500 Goal
Harper Knapp
$500 Goal
Haylee Flanagan
$500 Goal
Heather Smith
$500 Goal
Hien Fran Tran
$500 Goal
Hillary Hodges
$500 Goal
Holly Bui
$500 Goal
Hope Campbell
$5 Raised
Hope Keyhill
$500 Goal
Ignacio Pardo
$500 Goal
Israel Barco
$500 Goal
J.C. Robles
$500 Goal
Jacob Kraus
$500 Goal
Jacquelyn Lubarsky
$10 Raised
Jaime Knapp
$500 Goal
Jake Riley
$500 Goal
James Barnes
$500 Goal
James Mick
$25 Raised
Jamie Smock
$500 Goal
Janet Hill
$500 Goal
Jared Anderson
$500 Goal
Jason Hogard
$500 Goal
Jason Kelling
$25 Raised
Jayde Kelly
$500 Goal
Jeff Elder
$500 Goal
Jeff Nace
$500 Goal
Jenna Nelson
$500 Goal
Jennifer Ernst
$500 Goal
Jennifer Goens
$500 Goal
Jennifer Ham
$500 Goal
Jennifer Wagner
$500 Goal
Jennifer Waisner
$5 Raised
Jerry Delgado
$15 Raised
Jesse GonzalezII
$500 Goal
Jessica Coffey
$500 Goal
Jessica Kiser
$5 Raised
Jessica Schumacher
$500 Goal
Jessy Tang
$500 Goal
$500 Goal
$500 Goal
Jill Coffey
$500 Goal
Jodi Olson-Kidney
$500 Goal
Jodie Beydler
$500 Goal
Joetta Mark
$500 Goal
Joey Gross
$5 Raised
$500 Goal
John Shands
$500 Goal
Jonathan Saelens
$500 Goal
Jonathan Swearengin
$500 Goal
Joni Schwan
$500 Goal
Jordan Villacorta
$500 Goal
Jordy and Suki
$171 Raised
Jose Coreas Hernandez
$500 Goal
Joselleen Jasso
$500 Goal
Joseph Bredvold
$500 Goal
Joshua Garcia
$500 Goal
Juanita Carrillo
$500 Goal
Julia Ehana
$500 Goal
Julia Swanson
$500 Goal
Julie Vakas
$500 Goal
Justin Demas
$500 Goal
Justin Greene
$500 Goal
Kacey Bartak
$500 Goal
Kade Castleberry
$500 Goal
Kairi Abraham
$500 Goal
Kale Ohmes
$500 Goal
Kami Evans
$500 Goal
Kara Standley
$500 Goal
Karen Hayse
$500 Goal
Karen Palmer
$500 Goal
Karly Wheeler
$500 Goal
Kate Bello
$25 Raised
Kate Bradshaw
$25 Raised
Kate Cunningham
$5 Raised
Kate Malone
$500 Goal
Kate Maricle
$500 Goal
Katey Hinds
$500 Goal
Kathleen Ford
$25 Raised
Kathryn Johnston
$500 Goal
Kathy Bonadonna
$15 Raised
Katie Applegate
$500 Goal
Katie Meister
$500 Goal
Katie Rezabek-Laird
$500 Goal
Katie Vigil
$500 Goal
KC Cosplay Runner
$100 Goal
Kelley Shea
$5 Raised
Kellye Nash
$500 Goal
Kelsey House
$500 Goal
Kelsey Kelly
$500 Goal
Kelsey Reynolds
$500 Goal
Kelsey Sloan
$5 Raised
Kenia Vazquez
$500 Goal
Kennedie Clay
$500 Goal
Kevin Colhour
$500 Goal
Kevin Yn
$500 Goal
Kim Eischen
$500 Goal
Kim McNerney
$5 Raised
Kirsten Kintz
$500 Goal
Kody Dyke
$500 Goal
Kolton Hawk
$500 Goal
Kris Keller
$500 Goal
Kristin Ragsdale
$500 Goal
Krystal Hines
$10 Raised
Kyle Barchers
$500 Goal
Kyle Haddock
$72 Raised
Kylie Gillespie
$500 Goal
Lacey Treinen
$500 Goal
Larry Cahill
$500 Goal
Laura Lower
$500 Goal
Laura Martz
$500 Goal
Laura Plaisance
$500 Goal
Lauren Desautels
$500 Goal
Lauren Waldman
$5 Raised
Leah McIntyre
$500 Goal
Leann Bauer
$500 Goal
Lesa Gilbert
$500 Goal
Lesley Foster
$5 Raised
Leslie Bauer
$500 Goal
Leslie Byrnes
$500 Goal
Leslie Merrill
$500 Goal
Lewis Ragsdale
$500 Goal
Liesa Cummings
$500 Goal
Liliana Domingo
$500 Goal
Lily Mix
$500 Goal
Linda Olvera
$5 Raised
$500 Goal
Lisa Fehner
$500 Goal
Lisa Jewell
$500 Goal
Lita Gabbert
$500 Goal
Lizabeth Vuillemin
$5 Raised
Lourdes Calahan
$500 Goal
Lucy Zaiden
$500 Goal
Lynn Waldrop
$500 Goal
Mackenna Morgan
$500 Goal
Madison Arant
$500 Goal
Madison Courtney
$500 Goal
Madison Perry
$500 Goal
Makenzie James
$500 Goal
Malik Hall
$500 Goal
Mandy Beisiegel
$500 Goal
Mandy Truitt
$15 Raised
Mariana Coreas
$500 Goal
Maricruz Parker
$500 Goal
Marie Conaway
$500 Goal
Mario Martinez
$500 Goal
Marisol Conejo
$500 Goal
Marley Zaiden
$500 Goal
Mary Calhoun
$500 Goal
Mary Green
$50 Raised
Matt Chisholm
$500 Goal
Matt Cristelli
$500 Goal
Matt Davidson
$500 Goal
Matt Milliard
$500 Goal
Matt Vigil
$25 Raised
Matthew Byrum
$500 Goal
Matthew Morris
$500 Goal
Matthew Waldman
$500 Goal
McKenna Gilhaus
$500 Goal
Megan Budnik
$500 Goal
Megan May
$500 Goal
Megan Michael
$5 Raised
Megan Via
$500 Goal
$500 Goal
Meghan Douglas
$5 Raised
Meghan Rouchka
$5 Raised
Mel Zaiden
$500 Goal
Melanie Meyers
$25 Raised
Micael Miles
$500 Goal
Michael OConnell
$500 Goal
Michael Webster
$500 Goal
Michael Williams
$500 Goal
Michaela Humar
$15 Raised
Michelle Carpenter
$500 Goal
Michelle Guinta
$15 Raised
Mikaylie Parco
$500 Goal
Miranda Breon
$500 Goal
Mischa Parco
$500 Goal
Mistica Lopez
$500 Goal
Mitch Calhoun
$500 Goal
Mitzi Engle
$500 Goal
Monica Langford
$500 Goal
Morelia Coreas
$500 Goal
Morgan Lapin
$500 Goal
Morgan Miles
$500 Goal
Nagihan Williams
$500 Goal
Nancy Wilson
$500 Goal
Nathan West
$500 Goal
Neal Johnson
$50 Raised
Nicholaus Bischoff
$500 Goal
Nichole Froning
$25 Raised
Nick Kamrath
$500 Goal
Nick Swanson
$500 Goal
Nicole Hastings
$75 Raised
Nicole Hoss
$500 Goal
Nicole Wells
$500 Goal
Nino Enna
$25 Raised
Noah Zych
$500 Goal
Owen Anderson
$500 Goal
Patricia Danzo
$500 Goal
Patricia Myler
$500 Goal
Patty Poore
$500 Goal
Paul Yeoman
$5 Raised
Paula Daoust
$500 Goal
Paula West
$500 Goal
Perla Llamas
$500 Goal
Phoebe Chingren
$500 Goal
Prali Chitnis
$500 Goal
Quinten Dopson
$500 Goal
Quinton Nelson
$500 Goal
Quinton Weld
$500 Goal
Quirston Reliford
$500 Goal
Rachel Hall
$500 Goal
Rachel Livengood
$500 Goal
Rachel Negre
$500 Goal
Rachel Scott
$500 Goal
Rachel Smith
$500 Goal
Rachel Stufflebeam
$500 Goal
Rachel Thompson
$5 Raised
Raeley Barchers
$500 Goal
Raumin Mahoutchian
$500 Goal
Rayma Nesselrode
$500 Goal
Rebecca Stapfer
$500 Goal
Rebekah Allen
$500 Goal
Rebekah Cozad
$500 Goal
Rebekah Moore
$500 Goal
Reece Merrill
$500 Goal
Remi Wilkerson
$50 Raised
Richard Bender
$500 Goal
Robert Forrester
$500 Goal
Robert M Hillyer
$500 Goal
Robin Fugate
$100 Raised
Roland Parker
$500 Goal
Rose Harrison
$500 Goal
Rosie Sitek
$500 Goal
Ryan Craft
$500 Goal
Ryan Humar
$500 Goal
Rylee Smith
$500 Goal
Sally Jenkins
$500 Goal
Samantha Eary
$500 Goal
Samantha Stroud
$500 Goal
Sarah Ngo
$500 Goal
Sarah Pepperman
$500 Goal
Sarah Quigley
$500 Goal
Sauravi Shankar
$500 Goal
Savannah Sanai
$500 Goal
Shanna Peters
$500 Goal
Shannon Corrigan
$500 Goal
Shannon Novak
$500 Goal
Shelley Chenault
$500 Goal
Shreshtha Bangar
$20 Raised
Silas Barnes
$500 Goal
Spencer Ryals
$500 Goal
Spencer Whitt
$500 Goal
Stacy Diaz
$500 Goal
Stefanie Lowe
$500 Goal
Steph Hatfield
$5 Raised
Stephanie Alewel
$500 Goal
Stephanie Tauber
$500 Goal
Stephen Leimer
$500 Goal
Stephen Tatum
$500 Goal
Sue Ingenthron
$15 Raised
Summer Scott
$500 Goal
Susan Schweder
$500 Goal
Susie Delgado
$500 Goal
Suzanne Ashby
$500 Goal
Suzanne Ford
$500 Goal
Sydney Eichholz
$500 Goal
Sydney Owen
$50 Raised
Tamara May
$500 Goal
Tamera Hix
$5 Raised
Tanner Harris
$500 Goal
Tara Cristelli
$500 Goal
Taylor Lindley
$25 Raised
Taylor Meitner
$500 Goal
Ted Palmer
$500 Goal
Teddy Gillespie
$15 Raised
Terry Buford
$500 Goal
Theresa Ferguson
$500 Goal
Thomas Mooberry
$25 Raised
Tiffany Abele
$500 Goal
Tiffany Beckman
$500 Goal
Tiffany Bogardo
$5 Raised
Tiffany Jacobs
$25 Raised
Tina Lynn
$500 Goal
Tina Womack
$500 Goal
Toni Croxton
$500 Goal
Traci Via
$500 Goal
Trey Gilbert
$500 Goal
Vaishali Chitnis
$500 Goal
Valerie Fagan
$500 Goal
Valerie Glotzbach
$500 Goal
Veronica Cadena
$500 Goal
Victoria Byrum
$500 Goal
Victoria White
$500 Goal
Viktor Ngo
$500 Goal
Vincent Ngo
$500 Goal
Wayne Shepheard II
$500 Goal
Wendi Coffman-Stanley
$500 Goal
Wendy Jankowski
$500 Goal
Wesley Wolken
$500 Goal
Whitley Jermain
$500 Goal
Wil Shanahan
$500 Goal
William & Nate
$25 Raised
William Ottens
$500 Goal
Winnie Ford
$500 Goal
Xavier Calahan
$500 Goal
Yifang Hao
$500 Goal
Zach Hull
$500 Goal
Zachariah Cotter
$500 Goal
Zoriah Chavarria
$500 Goal

Team Fundraisers

Feline Foster Fladies
$25 Raised
$500 Goal
$500 Goal
Integrated Proteins
$500 Goal
Ms Missouri Petite
$25 Raised
Shrimps Is Bugs
$50 Raised
Team Feline Care
$100 Raised
The Leimersons
$50 Raised
Worst Game of Tag
$500 Goal

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