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Sun June 18, 2023 Lutherville Timonium, MD 21093 US
Team Fundraiser

Team Sholom

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Current Team Members:


Raised of $10,000



On the 20th of Nisan 5778 our friend and neighbor, Shalom Reches (Sholom Elazar ben Elimelech Bentzion) unexpectedly passed away.   Shalom was dedicated to helping others through his work as a paramedic.   We continue to miss his warm personality and generous spirit.  Both Shalom's mother and aunt have been key volunteers for the JCN and fundamental to the organization's success over the years.  Please support our team; by doing so we continue to honor Shalom and the entire Reches family!


Raising Money for the Jewish Caring Network.
When serious illness strikes, the entire family is affected. Jewish Caring Network is dedicated to providing a full range of support services to families facing life-threatening, lifelong, and serious illnesses while preserving their privacy and their dignity.
Funds raised from the JCN5K will enable JCN to provide programs, activities, and services to our families and lets them know we are standing beside them throughout the duration of their illness, treatment and recovery.

Top Donors

$1,256 Raised By 14 Donors

$360 donated by Michael & Vicki Reches
$120 donated by Edward Silberfarb
$120 donated by Edward Silberfarb
$120 donated by Jake Silberfarb
$120 donated by Sharon Silberfarb
$120 donated by Zvi Birnbaum
$100 donated by Adam Rabinowotz
$50 donated by Joe Silberfarb
$36 On Behalf Of Shani Dinovitz
$36 On Behalf Of Shani Dinovitz
$20 from Anonymous
$18 donated by Caryn Blum
$18 donated by Michael Bitman
$18 donated by Michael Freedman

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