Transform Weight Loss is a weight loss center designed to help our patients and clients achieve and maintain their weight loss goals. Founded by renowned weight loss specialist Peter Billing MD FACS, we offer personalized weight loss services which are clinically supervised, and delivered virtually or in-person. We offer programs for people trying to permanently lose those last 10 pounds or to others who have faced underlying metabolic issues and need to lose significantly more weight.

Each Transform Weight Loss location is state-of-the-art, with a full range of customized weight loss options including supplements, nutritional coaching, support groups, Dexa body composition testing, metabolic testing, diabetes care, medications, physician-directed weight loss plans, and when appropriate, supplementary surgical procedures offered by our renowned bariatric surgeon to enable you to overcome any metabolic challenge.

The entire team at Transform Weight Loss is dedicated to YOUR long-term success. With this goal in mind, we provide compassionate support which results in what we love best, helping you achieve your goals and a TRANSFORMED LIFE.
Start your weight loss journey today.