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Unified Virtual 5k and Half Marathon

Sat June 20 - Sun June 21 Lancaster, MA 01523 US Directions

InnerCity Weightlifting reduces youth violence and incarceration rates by fostering social inclusion and promoting economic mobility. ICW's students learn a valuable skillset, meet clients from opposite socioeconomic backgrounds, and build an invaluable network, all while making a stable living. ICW meticulously tracks recidivism rates and employment rates to get a precise ROI. In 2019, for every dollar donated to the program, ICW generated a 6.5x return in "value" - a metric derived from savings generated by reducing incarceration rates and promoting employment and higher wages for students. 

Top Donors

$145 Raised By 5 Donors

$100 from Anonymous
$25 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Joshua Bruno

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