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Team Fundraiser

Team M n M -
Not Alone Strong Together

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Join Team MnM on our TCF Annual Hybrid Walk. September- A month of children's Joy for New School year & Back to School friends. A time of excitement. Sep is also a month of tears & sadness of missed opportunities, togetherness, games, fun & combined learning for 17,000+ children every year in US Dx with Cancer, quarantined, isolated, immunocompromised. Sep is month to make memories, cherish your children. Sep is Gold🎗️

GOLD - Pure, Precious, Beautiful, Bright, Loved, Cherished, Soft but Strong

CHILDREN are the GOLDen presence around us with 
 Life, Laugh, Compassion, Generosity, Patience, Resilience, Tenacity, Trust and much more... 🎗️

Overall cancer rate in children have increased in recent decades with brain cancers taking over Leukemia incidences with minimal survival rate. 

17,000+ (45+ children everyday) in US and 263,000 out of 400,000- 65.75% (720 children every day) around the world are diagnosed with Cancer each year. 

#1 leading cause of death by disease in children. Cancer in children takes life of approximately 1,800 kids each year in US.

 I'm Marzuq (Marzooq) student at FLHS along with Muhammed my brother. Growing up we have watched our siblings volunteer & work as camp & bus councilors for childhood cancer camps in recent & past years. As we grew up, we followed in their steps & participated as CITs too. Compassion & friendships with the patients & their siblings was natural for us. Over years students in our schools & kids in our community & communities around us have also been diagnosed with cancer, some losing their precious live and we are thankful of survivors.

Our elementary school principal, herself a childhood cancer survivor, introduced Tomorrows Children's Fund at our school by doing danceathon & other activities. Tomorrows Children Fund is the extended family for all the patients & their families. Cancer does not discriminate age, race, gender, socio-economic or faith of a child or family. I, Marzuq was inspired and in my elementary & middle school years have fundraised money, Food & Pantry items for Childhood cancer families with Tomorrows Children's Fund. We look forward & request you all to join us, Team MnM, in our efforts with continuing support for families impacted with Childhood & Young Adult Cancer.

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