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One NY CARES Virtual Challenge

September 8 - December 24, 2020 NY State, NY 13202 US

Jowonio School


Jowonio is a not-for-profit pre-school serving young children with a wide range of abilities both in school and home-based programs.
The mission of Jowonio is to provide model inclusive programs for young children, where diversity is celebrated and all are free to learn and grow. The school aims to provide an appropriate individualized program for each child. Jowonio's approach is based on the following beliefs: all children can grow and learn; all children have a right to a quality education in the same setting; children grow through their relationships with adults and piers; parent involvement is welcome and needed; "school" means more than academics, social and emotional growth must be nurtured as carefully as cognitive development; a quality classroom grows out of a balance of adult-provided structure with opportunities for children to explore, initiate, make choices and problem solve about their world; and a planful environment, clear expectations and positive models can help young children learn diverse and appropriate ways to interact with materials and people.

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