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Mira Fujii

Fundraiser Login


Raised of $450




This April, I will be joining Tough Ruck Nation to complete a marathon with a weighted rucksack (backpack). Tough Ruck 26.2 Boston is an elite group of 1000 who ruck to HONOR AMERICA'S FALLEN MILITARY & FIRST RESPONDERS. We humbly carry the names of the Fallen on our rucks as they will NEVER BEEN FORGOTTEN. We will also be raising critical funds for our Warriors. This is where we need your help! The basic ideal that drives our efforts is simple: as much as our Warriors have sacrificed, they and their families deserve the best care and support available in their hour of need. Your tax deductible donation literally provides a lifeline to a Warrior.

On April 15, 2013, Tough Ruckers were at the finish line of the Boston Marathon and joined the first responders to help those that were injured by the horrific blasts. They truly exemplify the best of what our Nation is. Today the Tough Ruck takes place the weekend before Boston Marathon Monday. Tough Ruck is the only ruck march partnered with the Boston Marathon and finishers are awarded the official Boston Marathon Medals and receive recognition from the Boston Athletic Association. Military Friends Foundation is the official charity of Tough Ruck Nation.


Top Donors

$2,550 Raised By 26 Donors

$300 in memory of Kirk Hirata
$200 on behalf of Janice Nakamoto
$100 on behalf of Alan and Gail Low
$100 in memory of Auntie Mitsie
$100 in honor of Dean/Caliboso ohana serving now or served - Awesome Mira!
$100 on behalf of Debra Chong
$100 on behalf of Holly Araki
$100 in memory of JAN and NOEL FUJII
$100 on behalf of Joyce Fujii
$100 on behalf of Kyle Fujii-Miller
$100 on behalf of Lily Kimura
$100 on behalf of Linda Castro
$100 on behalf of Louise Yim
$100 on behalf of Mary Nishi
$100 on behalf of Nancy Murayama
$100 on behalf of Neva Masuoka
$100 on behalf of Pat Muranaka
$100 on behalf of Tammie Harada
$100 on behalf of The Mock's
$50 on behalf of Don Nishita
$50 in memory of Howard & Jeanne Tahara
$50 on behalf of Kau'i
$50 on behalf of Reiko Sakurai
$50 on behalf of Sandra Barrett
$50 on behalf of Sharon Terukina
$50 on behalf of Vickie Shiroma

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