We rescue dogs because every minute of every day unwanted pets are euthanized due to overpopulation and unnecessary breeding. Although there are many gorgeous, well-tempered dogs that people want to make more of, that is a huge problem in the US. Imagine your purebred dog being bred and you giving her puppies to friends and acquaintances, only to hear that half of her puppies’ families fell on hard times, got divorced, died, lost their home, and that those no-longer-cute little puppies were homeless. This is why we have a pet overpopulation problem. We do not adopt our dogs to homes with intact dogs. (Exceptions are be made for Medical reasons.) We do believe in allowing giant breeds to get fixed after 2 years, but most dogs should be done after 6-8 months. Studies show that each year a dog has its hormones the risk of cancer increases. There are several low cost spay/neuter options available. We also have a wonderful vet whose spay/neuter fees are very reasonable.
We are funded entirely by by our own bank accounts and donations from friends and family. We get food donated by Blue’s Natural Pet Supply & Dog Wash in Woodland Park. Our foster homes care for our dogs free of charge for as long as they need until they are adopted. Almost every dog that comes into rescue gets a wellness vet visit (about $43) and has to be updated on rabies and vaccines ($32-$55). The majority of dog surrender to us are not spayed or neutered. As required by law for rescues, we must spay/neuter every dog prior to rehoming. This surgery has been between $95-$150. Our fees range between $50-$250 depending on the vet care that each dog receives. We are not in the business of selling dogs. We are all about finding dog forever homes that are full of love and provide food, shelter, and veterinary care.