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Flapjack Dash for Chloe

Sat August 9, 2025 Weaver, AL 36277 US Directions


5K Run

$40 8:00AM CDT - 10:00AM CDT Price increases after July 20, 2025 at 11:59pm CDT


407 Anniston St
Weaver, AL US 36277


Flapjack Dash for Chloe is a 5K pancake run through Weaver, AL.  The purpose of the run is to raise money for Chloe’s medical cost and long-term care.  Chloe has Kleefstra Syndrome which is a genetic condition involving a missing piece of the 9th chromosome.  This causes severe developmental and physical delays.  Chloe has also been diagnosed with PANDAS which causes sudden symptoms of severe OCD, anxiety, and tics. 


This will be a chip run that will begin at First Baptist Church in Weaver, AL, go north up Jacksonville Street, cross over onto Ladiga Trail and end at Weaver Park.  This is a mostly flat course, and a large portion of the course is shaded.  Participants will then walk across the street to the church for a pancake breakfast.


COST: Pre-registration is $40 and includes the pancake breakfast and a t-shirt.  Guaranteed race t-shirt if registration received by Sunday, July 20, 2025; otherwise race t-shirt subject to availability (1st come, 1st serve)  Race day registration is $45  (non-refundable)

Pancakes only can be purchased for $7 per plate.



Awards will be presented on race day using the following categories:

Overall Male and Female - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place

Age Groups Male and Female - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place

0-12, 13-17, 18-24, 25-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+


PACKET PICK-UP: Saturday, Aug. 9th at First Baptist Church in Weaver beginning at 7:00 am.


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