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August 24, 2025 Flagstaff, AZ 86001 US

New Venue! Better course!


 Groovin' in the Aspens! Taking place in the majestic Fort Valley Trailhead and surrounding trails utilizing a couple different sections of the famous AZT, this is a 6K/10K/20K trail run through the aspens and pines of some of Flagstaff's best trail systems!

Course Descriptions

Our 6k event is on smooth easy “green”  that surround the expo area of the event.  A relatively flat course throughout the aspens and very friendly. 

10K event uses a combination of single track and jeep road with 682 feet of elevation gain. 

20K is also a combination of mostly single track and  few Jeep roads with 900 feet of elevation gain. 

30K is 1 Black loop and 1 Blue loop

50K is 2 Black loops and 1 Blue loop


Packet Pickup

Early Packet Pickup will be on Friday August 22nd. 12pm=4 PM at Run Flagstaff.  204-A E. Route 66. Flagstaff AZ 86001 or at day of before the start.

What You Get!

Custom Event Finisher's Medal

Custom Event  T-Shirt. 

Pre- and Post-Race "Runner's Snack" (granola bars, fruit, water, Gatorade, etc)

Please note any race related items (shirts, medals, etc.) will NOT be mailed to those that do not attend.

Race Day Information 

Race Day Registration will be available beginning at 6:30am at Arizona Nordic Village

We accept cash, check, and credit card on race day.

We do welcome wheelchairs, strollers & wagons but keep in mind that this is a trail run and there will be some areas of the course that will be difficult to maneuver.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Location

Fort Valley Trailhead
Flagstaff, AZ 86001 US

Map Location

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