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Everyone Runs Catalina State Park Half Marathon and 5.3 Mile Trail Races

Sun April 6, 2025 Tucson, AZ 85737 US Directions
Southern Arizona's Favorite and Most Picturesque Trail Race!
Countdown to Race Day


5.3 Mile Trail Race

$61.50 7:20AM MST - 10:00AM MST Registration ends April 6, 2025 at 6:45am MST
Open to ages 5 - 100.

Half Marathon Trail Race

$79.50 7:00AM MST - 10:00AM MST Registration ends April 6, 2025 at 6:45am MST
Open to ages 5 - 100.

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Southern Arizona's Favorite Trail Race! Two distances: half marathon and 5.3 miles. Your race starts & finishes at the park trail-head and travels the trails of this magnificent park, including the “92 and 48 Stair Climb." Half Marathon adds in the Bridal Trail out-and-back and then a second run of the main course to make a full 13.1 miles.  Half marathon time limit is strictly 3:15 (runners only in the half).

Overall male/female & age group medals for both events, male and female sized short sleeve tech or cotton shirts (your choice!), free Mexican breakfast, free coffee, free professional race photos, free running shoes for overall 1st place male and female, and lots of nice raffle prizes. When you enter, you'll receive $15 off your purchase of $50 or more at Fleet Feet, and a loaf of free bread from Beyond Bread with your online order.  Now, that's value for your running dollars you won't get anywhere else!

Bring your family, bring your team, bring yourself!

For event details, please visit  Dogs are not permitted for liability reasons.  Entry fees are not refundable and bibs cannot be transfered without prior approval by Everyone Runs.  Please consider purchasing event insurance during your registration process.



11570 N Oracle Rd.
Tucson, AZ US 85737

Important Event Instructions and Bib Pick-up


April 6, 2025 Catalina State Park Half Marathon & 5.3 Mile Trail Run Course Instructions - Please Read Completely!!!

Half Marathon start: 7:00 a.m.              5.3 miler start: 7:20 a.m.


Bib pick-up:

For those that registered before Sunday, March 30, at noon, bibs will only be available at Fleet Feet on Tanque Verde from March 31 – April 2, 10am-6pm.

After April 2, for all registrants, and those that registered between March 31 and April 2, bib pick-up will only be at the Oracle Rd. Fleet Feet from April 3 - 4, 10am-6pm, and on April 5 from 10am - 2pm.  Please note, that if you registered on April 3 or 4, your bib will only be available the day after you registered.  If you registered on April 5, your bib will only be available at the race.  Race day bib pick-up is available race morning from 5:30am to 6:50am. 

Directions to Catalina State Park 

From the south: take Oracle Rd six miles north of Ina Rd. and turn right at Catalina State Park.  The start line & parking lot are 1.8 miles at the end of the main road.

From the north: take Oracle Rd. south one-half mile south of Tangerine Rd.  Turn left into the park.   The start line & parking lot are 1.8 miles at the end of the main road.

Park Entry Passes: all participants will be required to purchase a $7.00 parking pass at sign-up or at packet pick-up at Fleet Feet (cash or check only). $7 is for a car with one person and $17 for a car with 2+ people.  If you wait to purchase your pass on Sunday at the park, the cost is $10 for a car with one person and $20 for a car with 2+ people.  Those fees were put in place by Arizona State Parks on 2/25/25.  Everyone Runs is subsidizing the increased $3 fee when your purchase through us during your online registration process.

If you already have a state park pass, there is no need to buy one from us. To move traffic more quickly through the park entry, we ask that you buy the one-day pass from us. Parking will be available in the main lot and on the road shoulders.  

Changing Events: this is extremely important.  Changing distances must be done by April 4 by emailing the race director at Changing events without notifying anyone will cause a huge mess with our ability to provide results.  If you do switch distances after the start of the race, your time will not count for overall and age group awards.  Please remember that the half marathon is only for runners and the time limit to finish the half is 3:15. You are always welcome to walk the 5.3 miler. 

Course directions: 

The start/finish line is in front of the main parking lot, which is at the end of the park’s main road.  You’ll start on a very short portion of the main road straight to the entry to the Nature Trail (yes, big hill first!), which you will run/walk clockwise.  

After descending the Nature trail, you will go left onto Canyon Loop, then left to the Romero Pools Trail (clockwise) for a .9 mile out and back (monitors will be there for directions). 

You will next travel left off the Romero Pools Trail and back onto the Canyon Loop, heading west to the Birding Trail loop. 

On the Birding Trail you will travel clockwise for a one-mile loop and then across the wash to the park’s main road.  

5.3 milers will then turn left to the finish.

Half marathoners: after completing the Birding Trail and crossing the wash back to the park’s main road, you will turn right and then left to the intersection of the Nature and Bridal Trails, at which point you will turn left and run the Bridal Trail to the start of the 50-Year Trail and then turnaround to head back to the intersection of the Bridal and Nature Trail.  At that point half marathoners, for a second time, will turn left and head back to run the Nature Trail, Canyon Loop, Romero out and back, and Birding Trail. Once finished with the Birding Trail, you will come back to the park road and run to the finish line.

You will not get lost, as long as you pay attention to our directional markers and course monitors.

NEVER run up or down a wash and you’ll be on the course! You will only cross washes, never run up or down.  Finally, there will be some areas of traffic on the course.  Please do not run or walk 2-3 across and always listen to course monitors for instructions.

Water Stations: all participants should carry their own water.  We will have water before the Nature Trail and bottled water prior to the Birding Trail. For half marathoners, there will be a water stop on the Bridal Trail that you can catch in both directions. If you take a bottle, it is your responsibility to carry it throughout the race. No littering please!

Timing: all timing will be done with chip timing.  Your chip will be attached to the back of your race bib.  If you do not wear your bib you will not receive your time and you will not be eligible to win an overall or age group award. Please remember to wear your bib on the front of your body.  

Headsets/Music: If you choose to wear headsets you implicitly agree that you are using it your own risk.  It is incredibly important for you to hear others approaching and asking to pass, so please keep the volume at a level that will allow others to hear you. Safety is our #1 concern.  

Shirts: participant finisher shirts will be handed out to you before and after the race. Unfortunately, we cannot change sizes at the finish.  This will ensure that everyone gets what they ordered.  You are welcome to ask when the race is complete.

Post-race food, drink: when you hit the finish-line grab yourself a free bottle of water and enjoy our always free Mexican breakfast, free coffee, and free snacks, all courtesy of Everyone Runs (for paid participants only).  We will never close the course.  Food, drink, and friendly faces will await you no matter when you finish!  

Awards: Our awards ceremony will start as each event concludes.

Overall and age group awards will be for male and female overall 1st, 2nd & 3rd and in five-year male and female age groups.  

Exact age groups for both events, specifically for ages 19 and younger and 80+, will be determined based on the number of runners in those age groups and will be decided fairly and at our discretion. 

Race results will be posted no later than 1:00 p.m.

For fast viewing of your finish time, simply enable participant tracking when you enter on Run Sign Up and you will have your result sent immediately to your phone!

Thanks so much for choosing to run/walk with Everyone Runs, Everyone Walks!  We appreciate your support.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



Race Participant Survey

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