Welcome to Beer City San Jose!
Join us on Saturday, May 31 2025 at Almaden Lake Park for Beer City San Jose! See the sights, run the trails, and drink the brews that make San Jose a home base for beer lovers. Beer City Festival is a full day of fun. Drink local and dig it!

Run the Creek!
The day starts with The Beer City Half at Almaden Lake Park for a run around the park and then up the Alamitos, Calero Creek and Guadlupe Creek Trails. Beer City Festival includes a half marathon, 10k, and 5k distances. See parts of San Jose you didn't know existed. The Beer Stroll is a 1-mile walk around Alamaden Lake.
The post-race refreshment will introduce you to some of San Jose's and California's best brewers. What better place to DRINK LOCAL than San Jose?
All runners receive a shirt, Key to Beer City finisher's medal and custom tasting glass.

Race The Rex
NEW for 2025, we are introducing Race the Rex, our special beer mile where you race others and our T-Rex. Drink 4 12-oz beers while run a mile. If the T-Rex catches you, you're out of the race. Better move quick! Race the Rex is presented by our friends at the Mendocino Running Festival.
Race the Rext takes place at Shoreline Park, starting at 11am.

Once the running and T-Rexing is done, join us for SHINDIG, a Beer City party at Clandestine Brewing with music, food trucks, and games. Your ticket covers your first beer and is available at checkout when you register.
The Shindig is Beer City HQ for the afternoon with fun games like The Beermazing Race, which challenges you to visit 5 brewers between 1pm and 5pm to drink a pint and find the clues to your next taproom.