Open Water Swim Clinic #1 - Open Water Skills
35 spots left. Registration ends June 6, 2025 at 6:00pm PDT
Open Water Swim Clinic #2 - More Open Water Skills and Practice
35 spots left. Registration ends June 25, 2025 at 6:00pm PDT
Race Ready Clinic #3 - Race Management, Transition and Rules
35 spots left. Registration ends July 11, 2025 at 6:00pm PDT
All Three Clinics
35 spots left. Registration ends June 12, 2025 at 11:59pm PDT
Clinic Website
Additional clinic information can be found at
21 Municipal Wharf
Santa Cruz, CA US 95060
Improve Your OWS Skills and Race Readiness
The structure of our clinics is a little bit different this year. There are two open water sessions and one dry land session that will help you plan and execute your race through better strategy, transition tips and set-up and USAT rules to remove doubt about some of those confusing triathlon rules.
These clinics are designed to give every swimmer, whether novice or experienced, an opportunity to develop new skills, improve skills and stamina, and gain new experiences in open water.
You'll have an opportunity to swim the course for Tri Santa Cruz and other local event venues and longer course events, or just improve your open water skills and get more comfortable in the water.
Focus is on increasing comfort with gear, swimming skills and techniques including sighting for course accuracy, getting in and out of your wetsuit, drafting, entering and exiting the water. Good for all levels of swimmers or triathletes looking to improve their swims. Its a great way to meet new training partners!
Invest in yourself and improve your open water swimming skills for a safer and more rewarding swim experience.
We want you to be prepared too and we want open water swimming to be something you embrace versus something you fear if you are a new swimmer . These clinics are good for you if:
- You're a good swimmer but don't have open water experience or you haven't been in the water for awhile,.
- You're just rusty on your OWS and racing skills
- You're looking for tips and pointers to improve your stroke and technique in open water.
- Swimmers who are new to open water swimming in lakes or ocean venues.
- New triathletes who are trying out a new sport even if you're a good pool swimmer.
- Triathletes and swimmers who haven't been in the water for awhile.
- Open water swimmers looking to improve skills and gain more comfort in the water.
We are segmenting our clinics into two clinics depending on your open water skills and comfort level. However, swimmers of all abilities are welcome to any of the clinics but the first one is specifically targeted to new open water swimmers. If you've got more experience and just want to swim you are more than welcome - just be prepared to share your experience and expertise with the newer swimmers!
Clinics are starting in June this year with two clinics in June and one in July.
Clinic #1 - Basic Open Water Skills - June 07 (Saturday)
We will start the season on June 29 with an introduction to open water swimming for people who have no or limited experience with swimming in open water, or swimmers who are rusty in their skills. This clinic will talk about gear, water and swim conditions, gaining a comfort level in open water, and having an experience with the basics of entry, exit, sighting, breathing, etc. No experience in open water or ocean is necessary to participate but you should be able to swim 100 yards with a focus on freestyle. Starting earlier will give you an opportunity to fully develop your open water skills before you get to your first starting line of the year. You'll meet new swim buddies, have opportunities to seek out additional coaching and open water workouts. You'll also be more comfortable in subsequent clinics. This clinic will be limited to only 25 participants to enhance smaller group coaching.
Clinic #2 - More Open Water Skills and Practice Sessions - June 28 (Saturday)
This clinic is a continuation of the beginning clinic and will focus on intermediate skills. If you have open water skills and would like to improve them and prior experience in open water but you're not quite comfortable and need to improve your skills, you've not been in the water for awhile, or you started with the earlier clinic and want to continue improving your swim, and swim some longer distances away from the shoreline. This is an opportunity to improve your skills for sighting, group swimming and drafting, race entry and exit, fine tuning for your stroke and gear.
Clinic #3 - Race Ready Skills, Managing Race, and Triathlon Rules - July 12 (Saturday)
This is the part that always seems to be left out - what do you do to get ready for the race, what happens when you show up and how to manage transitions and not run afoul of racing rules (yes, triathlon does have rules! ).
You can select to register for the swim clinics individually as clinic 1 and 2 or 3. Clinics are $50 for each of the OWS sessions and $35 for the Race Ready Clinic plus processing fees.
If you register for all three clinics the price is $45/$45/and $30 (or $120) Register for all three clinics by selecting that event to get the discount.
All clinics are USA Triathlon sanctioned clinics and a one-day license or annual membership is required for participation. Because these clinic are taught by USA Triathlon certified coaches you only need to purchase one USAT one-day membership for all three clinics if you are not already a member. Additionally, the one day membership can be deducted from a future purchase of an annual membership in 2024. If you are already an annual member you will not need to pay for the additional one day membership license.
All Open Water Sessions will meet at Cowell Beach in Santa Cruz. The third clinic will take place at Depot Park unless otherwise noted. You will receive specific email instructions and directions as well as gear lists before each clinic session.
Clinic Contact Info
If you have any questions about this clinic, click the button below.
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