1 Mile Run
People's Greenest Fastest Mile
Bob Seaman's Dream Mile
Cover The Distance, Support The Cause
Proceeds benefiting Wilmington Chamber of Commerce. For more information on the various programs and agencies they support visit their website at: www.Wilmington-Chamber.com.
Phone number: 310-834-8586
START TIMES (Subject to Change)
Kids Half Mile | 9:00 A.M.
9-12 Youth | Male 9:10 A.M. - Female 9:25 A.M.
13- 14 | Male 9:45 - Female 10:00 A.M.
15- 16 | Male 10:15 A.M. - Female 10:30 A.M.
17- 18 | Male 10:45 A.M. - Female 11:00 A.M.
People's Greenest Fastest Mile | Male 11:15 A.M. - Female 11:30 A.M.
Masters | Male 11:45 A.M. - Female 12:00 P.M.
Bob Seaman's Dream Mile Elite Male| 12:30 P.M.
Bob Seaman's Dream Mile Elite Female | 12:45 P.M.
Race Info
Free public parking available around the waterfront park and west of the event area. No matter where you park, allow plenty of time to get to the start.
Finisher Medals & T- Shirts
Finisher medals will only be provided to those who cross the finish line and are registered for the race. T-shirts will be provided during packet pick up. Same day registration will get a shirt after the race starts as they are guaranteed to pre-registerd participants only.
First Aid Support
We will have a roving First Aid staff on the route and in the registration area in the First Aid Booth.
Please review the Elite runner participation section on the website. Elite athletes have to be pre-approved by the event director, Jose Luis Zavala, through the Elite Race Coordinator. Award money will be mailed to all confirmed athletes once completed W-9 forms are provided.
Packet Pick up (Includes t-shirt)
Day Before: Thursday, July3, 4PM - 6:30 PM
Wilmington Chamber of Commerce
544 N. Avalon Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90744
On-Site registration: Friday ,July 4th , 6:30 AM (Closes 10 Minutes prior to start of each Mile Race)
Waterfront Park in the main expo area
1004 West C Street, Wilmington CA 90744
Sponsor Information
Click Here to Download Sponsorship Form
Click to Download Sponsorship Packet
Note: In order to benefit from full exposure from the event, the earlier you submit the company media assets the better. Refer to the sponsorship packet for further deadline submission.
For sponsorship opportunities for this and other events contact us at info@aztlanathletics.org.
Aztlan Athletics
This is an Aztlan Athletics operated event. For more information about their events or services visit aztlanathletics.org
Contact Aztlan:
Jose Zavala
Volunteer Information
Join us for an awesome give-back experience. For more information on volunteering for one of more of these events contact Johanna Guerrero at Volunteer@AztlanEvents.com. If you want to register to volunteer click Volunteer Form.