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Sun July 27, 2025 Directions
Get Yur Ass Up The Pass!
Countdown to Race Day


Long Course, 29+ miles

$69.90 incl. $4.90 Fee 10:15AM MDT - 11:00PM MDT Registration ends July 23, 2025 at 6:00pm MDT

Short Course, approximately 15 miles

$69.90 incl. $4.90 Fee 10:30AM MDT - 11:00PM MDT Registration ends July 23, 2025 at 6:00pm MDT


The first year of the World Championship Pack Burro Race in 1949 saw 21 entrants with only 8 finishing the race. These days there are nearly 100 racers and burros that take on this historic challenge. Some choose the “lower altitude” short course of approximately 15 miles while others take on the long course and attempt the grueling climb to the top of Mosquito Pass and back, 29+ miles and an elevation change of 3,232'! The racers start at 9,953 feet in Fairplay with long course runners hitting their halfway point at the top of Mosquito Pass, elevation 13,185'!

***Disclaimer 3/21/25: Jack chains are no longer prohibited. Jack chains may be used only if used with a pressure-release technique. (A jack chain is a chain or strap which is used to apply pressure over the muzzle, under the chin, or through the mouth).

***The Short Course route is currently under review and might change prior to May 9, 2025. Registered racers will be notified of any changes in a timely manner and will have the opportunity to request a refund if the changes are to the racer’s dissatisfaction and they choose not to participate in the race.

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


The Hand Hotel - 531 Front St., Fairplay


Each runner must be accompanied by a Burro! It is the responsibility of the runner to acquire their own burro. They may use their own animal or borrow/rent someone else's. Each burro will be required to be equipped with a regulation pack saddle, packed with a pick, shovel, and gold pan. It is strongly recommended that all participants carry at least one - two quarts of water, food, and clothing for all types of weather. Loss of all or part of the pack and paraphernalia will eliminate the contestant. See more detailed equipment information on our website.


Contestant and burro starting the race must remain a team throughout the contest. No assistants will be allowed to accompany any team. The runner may push, pull, drag or carry the burro. The contestant shall at no time progress except under his/her own power. No contestant shall interfere with other contestants by deliberate personal contact or receive help deliberately from others, nor shall he or she use anything other than the speed of travel to keep from being passed. The winning combination consists of man/woman and burro which must cross the finish line as a unit. The man/woman may be leading or following the burro but the burro's nose crossing the finish line first constitutes the winner. Please visit our website for more detailed information on the rules. During the registration process, you will be asked to review the complete rules list and agree to accept and abide by all rules associated with this event. 


The World Championship Pack Burro Race™ is a registered Trademark of The Town of Fairplay Colorado. This event is owned and operated by The Town of Fairplay Colorado. This event is not governed by or under any jurisdiction of The Western Pack Burro Association (WPBA), while we do greatly respect the guidance of The WPBA for the future preservation of the sport of Pack Burro Racing.


The World Championship Pack Burro Race™ is the first race of the Triple Crown of Pack Burro Racing. The Triple Crown is administered by The Western Pack Burro Association (WPBA). The owners, race directors, and organizers of the The World Championship Pack Burro Race™ have no governance or jurisdiction over the Triple Crown competition. For those interested in participating in the Triple Crown, we encourage you to visit the WPBA's website by Clicking Here for more info. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


The Hand Hotel - 531 Front St., Fairplay

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