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First Candle VIRTUAL Mother's Day-Father's Day Walk/Run Challenge

Sun May 10 - Sun June 21 Your Town, CT 06840 US


Your Town, CT US 06840


Join us as we walk and run to save babies and support families. Unfortunately we can't congregate in groups currently, but we can still come together as a virtual community and enjoy fun, fitness and social sharing as we walk/run to save babies lives. Every year 3600 babies die from Sudden Unexpected Infant Death and another 24,000 are Stillborn.  For 33 years First Candle has been providing support to the thousands of families who are trying to cope with the devastating loss of their baby.  Now more than ever, families need our support when they are dealing with profound grief in isolation without the support of friends and family.  With your participation, this race helps us to raise the critically important funds to continue our work to save babies lives and support families in times of grief.

We’ve created this race to span from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day to honor those families who have lost a baby and celebrate with those who have recently had a baby. You can complete this challenge at your own pace, or follow our recommended challenge, walking or running, over the course of the 6 weeks. You can walk, run, skip or use a treadmill to complete the challenge of completing more than a marathon over the six week period. Sign up as an individual, get the entire family to do it together, ask friends to sign up or donate.

You can join at anytime during the six weeks.

For anyone who wishes we will be sending out a Certificate of Honor recognizing your achievement and will automatically be sending one to all runners 12 years of age and under.

If you have any questions about this race, please contact our Race Director Abby Lundy at

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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