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Run with us Virtually & Complete your run anytime Mother's Day May 12, 2024- May 18, 2024 

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The mission of Run Like A Mother is to fuel a woman's journey through health and wellness, empower with education and training programs, inspire with communities, events and races, and enable through programs and partnerships. Run Like A Mother isn't just a Race, it’s our way of life.
We are every woman, from every walk or run of life, gathering together (virtually) to encourage a healthy lifestyle through moving.
On Mother’s Day weekend, we celebrate who we are and what we do.
Whether you are a mother or not, we understand the importance of modeling healthy behaviors for our future generations.
Most importantly, it is the caring of our own bodies and minds that make us stronger every day.

Rules and FAQ's


Novice 5K Training Plan

The novice 5K program is designed for someone who has never run a 5K. Beginning a running program can be a daunting and also negative experience if started too fast or furiously. This program uses a safe, slow introduction to running by using a walk/run interval.
Run Like a Mother® likes to use time, not distance because it is important to get your body used to the time at first. Before you know it, you will be covering the distance without even realizing it!
The program is gentle. Be patient with your progression; it is easy to get ahead of schedule and do too much. If you feel good, pick up the walk intervals to a faster pace. If the program feels too strenuous, slow down and let your body acclimate to the new exercise. The program is broken down into 3 run training sessions a week. The time covered is about 45 minutes.
Novice 5K Training Plan

Beginner 5K Training Plan

The Beginner 5K program is designed for someone with some running experience or who might be returning to exercise after a brief layoff. This program introduces interval training, which includes a run workout that ends with a walk. Run Like a Mother® likes to use time, not distance because it is easier to train with others in this manner.
The program has 3 days of run training and uses interval training, a method of walking and running that will help your body acclimate to the physical stress.
Beginner 5K Training Plan

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