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Sun March 23, 2025 Stratford, CT 06615 US Directions


15.3 miles of ecstasy

$33.63 $28.29 incl. $3.29 Fee 8:15AM EDT Price increases after March 21, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

10.2 miles of fun

$30.42 $22.95 incl. $2.95 Fee 8:15AM EDT Price increases after March 21, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

5.1 miles of pure enjoyment

$27.22 $20.82 incl. $2.82 Fee 8:15AM EDT Price increases after March 21, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

Photo Album

Thanks to Alvaro Lorduy of Los Runners for taking tons of photos from the 2022 event. Check them out!







We’ve got room/permitted for up to 125 so tell your friends, spread the word, post it on social media. We will be ready to go for this unique, five+ mile loop in the scenic, quiet and pretty darn flat, hamlet of Lordship. 


Our partner Little Pub has a terrific brunch starting at 10am. Bring a change of clothes and join us. You’ll certainly work up an appetite from your run! 

If you plan to enjoy brunch- head right in from 10-3. The LP does not take reservations. 


THE COURSE - ok the loop is actually 5.1 miles. No matter how we tried to tweak it we couldn’t get the exact 5 miles with the roads we use- but it is flat and scenic so that extra bit should be ok. 

THE GOOD NEWS- we will not charge extra for the added distance of 528ft. You’re welcome.


We are running through the wonderfully scenic section of Stratford, along the water. It’s a pretty darn quiet neighborhood and really flat. We start and finish in the lot area across from the Little Pub at 10 Washington Pkwy.

It is a great place to do a long run on your own or with some friends.
Run/walk 5.1, 10.2, or 15.3 miles on our 5.1 mile loop course*. There will be at least one or two water tables on the course and plenty at the start/finish.
BUT it’s always a good idea to carry your own water or plant some ahead of time.
For those that are really into marathon training distance- you can easily add on miles before or after!




The finish line will remain open until 11:00am (That's around a 12+ min. pace if you start the 15* miler at 8:15am). 
If you plan to run a bit slower please email our Director to start earlier. IF YOU ARE STARTING EARLY You must connect with our timer JIM before you start! 


The course is well marked with signage, cones and flour arrows on the streets. Course maps will be available and the link will be here soon.
(you can even change to a shorter distance while you’re in it!


We have designed a great 5.1 mile loop course that you can run once, twice or three times. With our safe, flat loop you’ll be able to maintain a consistent pace of your choice.  We offer you a low-key event to keep costs down, but still have a quality run and enjoy the experience. 


We always hear “There are no 5 milers in CT anymore!”  Now there is one to try. (And no 5.1 milers either)
It will be well marked on quiet roads. There is a warm restaurant to come back to if you decide to 'brunch' with us or even just enjoy a post run beverage of your choice.
If you feel great & decide to extend your run for another loop- go for it!


It is true there aren’t many 10* milers either. And certainly no other 15* milers!

This is a great opportunity to try the distance without any pressure. It’s a great training run for a future half marathon, marathon, or just to show yourself it is possible. It’s also a chance to run a PR if you’re ready. 

OUR 5* mile LOOP COURSE - 

(*It is actually closer to 5.1mi -  Thanks for your understanding)


TIMINGJIM GERWECK! will use chip timing so you will get a 'net time' since there is a common start/finish line. And if you really need to start later than the 8:15am official start, Jim can accommodate you. (Remember- always write your name and time you wanted to run on a $20 bill and Jim can help you get your best time)


AND WE URGE YOU TO ALSO PLEASE KEEP YOUR OWN TIME AS A BACKUP. We want to make sure every possible safeguard is in place. THANKS!   
SWAG- We will have something for you - a shirt, hat, socks...depending on the tarriffs and whether Musk has fired either Jim or Marty. Put in your shirt size just in case... socks and hats are uni-sized.


5:30am  Wake up, carefully roll out of bed & turn on the coffee 
6:00am  Get semi-dressed, try not to pull a muscle
7:00am  Start driving if you're within 30 miles. If any farther you're late
7:30am  Bib distribution starts- Bring your own pins b/c you probably have a lot from the other races!
8:00am  Last call for the porto-pot ?
8:15am  Start of the 5/10/15* miler (or more on your own if you want) 
Snacks, fluids, surprises when you are done.
10:00am BRUNCH STARTS at the Little Pub-  It's Good Eatin' and a great view! 
WE WILL HAVE SOME SORT OF SWAG AND EVEN SOME AWARDS. We are not quite sure what they will be, yet.
If you can't stay for brunch at least plan to stop in LITTLE PUB for some well needed hydration!  IT'S MARCH MADNESS! The GAMES ARE ON!
Volunteers are always welcome - if you have friends or family that could help us with food, fluids, water tables, course marshal, etc.  PLEASE EMAIL Marty- 
Thanks again!   Marty Schaivone - Race Director 
                           Jim Gerweck - Timing Director

Race Procedures

No in-person paper/cash race day registration. Online registration will remain open until 8:10am. Register before leaving for the race or on your phone when you arrive at the race site.

  • Maintain a comfortable social distance when in line for check-in, portolet, etc. Try to maintain distance during the race as well (if you are passed, drop back). Head/ear phones are discouraged- please enjoy the peace, sights and sounds of our neighborhood!

  • Bring your own liquids for pre- and post-race. We will set out tables across from the start/finish line where you may place personal bottles for use during the race. We will also have at least one water table on the course.

  • There will be no printed results posted on site - online results should be available in real time at ONLINE RESULTS


Point no Point Little Pub Lot
10 Washington Parkway
Stratford, CT US 06615

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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