Volunteer Details
Neighbors living in Chic's Beach are encouraged to volunteer for set up, break down, hosting water stations, serving as race monitors, and host Cheer Stations. This is a great way to welcome friends to our neighborhood and meet new neighbors! Priority for volunteer registration will go to residents of Chic's Beach and assignments are made based on the needs of the race. If we have too many volunteers for one position, you may be offered an alternate volunteer opportunity.
There is NO LIMIT to the number of Cheer Stations allowed on the course. Cheer station hosts do not need to sign up as a volunteer. Click HERE to learn more about Cheer Stations.
If you are interested in serving as a volunteer, please email cxbvolunteercoordinator@gmail.com and indicate your address, name, and any special skills or interests you have so we can find the best volunteer spot for you!
Have you already received your volunteer assignment? Click HERE to sign your waiver and request your volunteer tshirt.