5K Run Challenge
5k Race Walk Challange
5k Heavy March Challenge
10K Run Challenge
10 Race-Walk Challenge
10K Heavy March Challenge
Half Marathon Run Challenge
Half Marathon Race Walk Challenge
Half Marathon Heavy March Challenge
Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
113 American Legion Road
Lewes, DE US 19958
Come join us in this historic event along the scenic coastline of Delaware, our First State, to support our Wounded Warriors and Homeless Veterans. The event is OPEN TO ALL! Our vision is to bring our military and civilian communities together to build stronger relationships. The race will encompass trails on the beautiful Cape Henlopen State Park and Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. All races start and finish at the same location.
Beginning at the American Legion, Post 17, Lewes. Participants will travel through Cape Henlopen State Park and the historic Fort Miles. The event is divided into a 5k, 10K and Half Marathon Challenges. Participants are able to choose to compete in a Run, March (race-walk) and Heavy March (Trail race with 15lb. pack).
Packet pickup will be done on Friday, May 9th, at American Legion Post 17, Lewes, DE (113 American Legion Road), from 5pm – 9pm. Between 6pm-8pm the Post will have a LIVE BAND! Food and beverages available the entire time. Come out, get your packet, hang out, and meet some our staff and fellow participants! DAY OF PICKUP! You can also do packet pick up the day of the event starting at 7:00am near the starting line. Opening Ceremonies are at 8:00am. The Half Marathon will launch at 8:15am, 5K start at 8:45am, AND 10k starts at 9:30am. PLEASE BE IN PLACE AT 8:00am.
5k -
10K -
The event has three major components: Competition, Education, and Celebration. The race through the state parks and beaches of Delaware is a competition for all levels and will honor the men and women who have sacrificed for our freedoms in the Middle East. The finish line will encompass the other components. With the assistance of volunteers, a Middle East Historical Exhibit will be available for everyone to enjoy. This walk-through history will help connect our communities with the military members attending the event. Lastly, there will be a “Celebration of Warriors” with local vendors will be available from 8:30am – 3pm. Live bands will start at 10:00am and play until 3pm. Stay, enjoy the celebration, and connect with people, military and civilian, from across the United State of America.
Everyone pre-registered by May 1, 2025 and signed-in to the Race4Warriors event will be guaranteed an event t-shirt. Competitors registered after May 1st will receive a T-Shirt as supplies last. The first 750 participants to register, and signed into the event, will receive a commemorative race medallion at the finish line. However, everyone will leave with the knowledge of participating in an event which truly supports and honors our Veterans! Our women and men deployed to the Middle East do not stop due to the weather; so rain or shine (not to including weather which makes the environment unsafe to be outside), come out and enjoy our race and festivities. For more details and the rules of the race, check us out at On behalf of myself and our Board of Directors, made up of all retired Chief Master Sergeant First Sergeants, thank you for considering joining the Race4Warriors!
Follow us on Instagram @race4warriors and Facebook
CMSgt (Ret) First Sergeant Michael Bellerose
Race4Warriors Founder/CEO
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
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Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.