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Shamrock 5k

Donation Goal: $25,000

All donations will be going to the prevention of child abuse. 20% of the funds will be given to National Prevent Child Abuse America and 80% will be given to the local National Children's Advocacy Center. We are proud to partner with these organizations that work tirelessly to prevent and address child abuse in our area. 

Sponsorship Levels:

Bronze Tier: Item donation or sponsorship valued between $100-$199

Small shoutout on @kappadelta_uah instagram page
Name/Logo on Shamrock website 

Silver Tier: Item donation or sponsorship between $200-$499

Small shoutout on @kappadelta_uah instagram page 
Name/Logo on Shamrock website
Sponsorship Booth at event
5 Raffle Tickets

Gold Tier: Item donation or sponsorship above $500  
Video and highlighted shoutout on @kappadelta_uah instagram page  
Name/Logo on Shamrock website
Sponsorship Booth at event
5 Raffle Tickets
5 Race Tickets
Public thanks during event

Note: If you would like to donate an item to be raffled, please complete this form. 


Raised of $25,000


Top Donors

$3,150 Raised By 20 Donors

$535 If you were referred to by a Kappa Delta Sister, enter their full name below. Elizabeth Nicholson
$200 If you were referred to by a Kappa Delta Sister, enter their full name below. Upperline Health & Podiatry
$100 If you were referred to by a Kappa Delta Sister, enter their full name below. Cami Kampwerth
$170 If you were referred to by a Kappa Delta Sister, enter their full name below. Cathryn Lobes
$50 If you were referred to by a Kappa Delta Sister, enter their full name below. Alina Park
$50 If you were referred to by a Kappa Delta Sister, enter their full name below. Carla Crocker
$85 If you were referred to by a Kappa Delta Sister, enter their full name below. Samantha Preston
$50 If you were referred to by a Kappa Delta Sister, enter their full name below. Savannah Holder
$50 If you were referred to by a Kappa Delta Sister, enter their full name below. Savannah Holder
$50 If you were referred to by a Kappa Delta Sister, enter their full name below. Savannah Holder
$50 If you were referred to by a Kappa Delta Sister, enter their full name below. Stan W Wiegmann
$60 from Anonymous
$25 If you were referred to by a Kappa Delta Sister, enter their full name below. Tana Osborne
$25 If you were referred to by a Kappa Delta Sister, enter their full name below. Tana Osborne
$45 If you were referred to by a Kappa Delta Sister, enter their full name below. Andrew Smith
$40 If you were referred to by a Kappa Delta Sister, enter their full name below. Lauren Williams
$35 If you were referred to by a Kappa Delta Sister, enter their full name below. Kelton Sivley
$35 If you were referred to by a Kappa Delta Sister, enter their full name below. Landry Carbaugh
$40 If you were referred to by a Kappa Delta Sister, enter their full name below. n/A
$40 If you were referred to by a Kappa Delta Sister, enter their full name below. Samantha Preston

Enter a custom donation amount or select a donation level above.

Donation Attribution

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