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Longmont Half & 5k (LM Half)

Sun May 4, 2025 Longmont, CO 80501 US Directions


OUR Center of Longmont

This event has partnered with OUR (Outreach United Resource) of Longmont.  You are welcome to make an additional contribution to OUR now.  If you do NOT wish to do, simply click 'continue' at the bottom of the page.  Thank you!

Our mission is to help people move towards self-sufficiency by unifying community resources. We provide a welcoming environment to all, treating everyone with respect and dignity.  Promoting responsibility, accountability, confidentiality and trust in all relationships. And developing innovative, efficient solutions through the responsible stewardship of our community resources.

By donating money to this charity, your contact info with be shared with that charity for taxes purposes and future solicitations.

Top Donors

$120 Raised By 9 Donors

$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Alan Karmin
$20 on behalf of Andy Staats
$10 on behalf of Andrea Halweg-Edwards
$10 on behalf of Daniel Beideman
$10 on behalf of Ellie Miller
$10 on behalf of Michelle Bailey
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Samantha Knackendoffel

Enter a custom donation amount or select a donation level above.

Donation Attribution

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