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Griffin's Friends: Miles for Smiles

Top Donors

$41,868 Raised By 760 Donors

$1,000 on behalf of Dawn Roberts
$1,000 on behalf of Jason Dominick
$1,000 on behalf of Renee Pouliot
$750 on behalf of Peggy and Arthur Grodd
$625 on behalf of Kayla Slessler
$600 on behalf of John Sullivan
$500 on behalf of Charlie Casartello
$500 on behalf of In Honor of Christoper Pasay
$500 on behalf of In Honor of Christoper Pasay
$500 on behalf of John Sullivan
$500 on behalf of Paul Jozefczyk
$500 on behalf of Peggy and Arthur Grodd
$415 on behalf of Agawam Junior High School
$300 on behalf of 4RUN3
$260 on behalf of Paul Jozefczyk
$250 on behalf of Doug Theroux
$250 on behalf of Peggy and Arthur Grodd
$250 on behalf of Saltmarsh Industries, Inc.
$200 on behalf of Amy Ryan
$200 on behalf of Ben and Jen Grande
$200 on behalf of Bob and Pat Pouliot
$200 on behalf of James A Gauthier
$200 on behalf of James and Barbara Sadowsky
$200 on behalf of Michael Robie
$153 on behalf of Michael Cass
$150 on behalf of Belinda Luna
$150 on behalf of robert mcnamara
$150 on behalf of Stephen Duval
$135 on behalf of Tim Londo
$125 on behalf of James and Barbara Sadowsky
$125 on behalf of James and Barbara Sadowsky
$125 on behalf of john april
$102 on behalf of Corey Clark
$100 on behalf of Alan and Kathy Robbins
$100 on behalf of all Griffin's Friends captains
$100 on behalf of Andrew and Allison
$100 on behalf of Belinda Luna
$100 on behalf of Bonus Aunt
$100 on behalf of Carly Cavanaugh
$100 on behalf of Carol Berger
$100 on behalf of Carol Kantany Casartello
$100 on behalf of Carol Kantany Casartello
$100 on behalf of Carol Kantany Casartello
$100 on behalf of Carolyn Brunelle
$100 on behalf of Celeste Peterson
$100 on behalf of Christina Ramos
$100 on behalf of Christopher Thornton
$100 on behalf of Colleen Cummings
$100 on behalf of Dan and AnnMarie LaBreck
$100 on behalf of Darcy Fjelstrom
$100 on behalf of Darcy Fjelstrom (match)
$100 on behalf of Dawn Burt
$100 on behalf of Erin Murphy-Davis
$100 on behalf of Frances Anthony
$100 on behalf of Gail Holt
$100 on behalf of Gary Gorman
$100 on behalf of George Fontaine
$100 on behalf of Gordon Bailey
$100 on behalf of Holly
$100 on behalf of In memory of my brother Alan
$100 on behalf of James Kelliher
$100 on behalf of James Madden
$100 on behalf of James Ryan
$100 on behalf of James Sabatino
$100 on behalf of Jamie Uliana
$100 on behalf of Janice & Elliot
$100 on behalf of Jeanne Trinque
$100 on behalf of Jeffrey Harrington
$100 on behalf of Jeffrey Turner
$100 on behalf of Jen Polverari
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Jennifer Fox
$100 on behalf of Jim Ryan
$100 on behalf of John & Laura Plante
$100 on behalf of John McQuade Jr. and Jane Miliotis
$100 on behalf of John, Jack, Maddie, Mikey, Mary Kate and Joey
$100 on behalf of Kara Herman
$100 on behalf of Karyn Marciniec
$100 on behalf of Kathy Tobin Martin
$100 on behalf of Kayla Slessler
$100 on behalf of Kevin Barry
$100 on behalf of Kimberly Therieau
$100 on behalf of Kris Coles
$100 on behalf of Kristine Valentini
$100 on behalf of Laura Morris
$100 on behalf of Laura Wray-Ramos
$100 on behalf of Linda Saltmarsh
$100 on behalf of Lisa Purdue
$100 on behalf of Marc and Michele Champigny
$100 on behalf of Margo Dupont
$100 on behalf of Mark Chmiel
$100 on behalf of Mark Chmiel
$100 on behalf of Mark Nichols
$100 on behalf of Martin Daniell
$100 on behalf of Martin Daniell
$100 on behalf of Mary Smith
$100 on behalf of MaryAlice Abbott
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Michelle Dubuc
$100 on behalf of Michelle Chase
$100 on behalf of Michelle Kinsella
$100 on behalf of Michelle Opon
$100 on behalf of Michelle Scibelli
$100 on behalf of Mike Kiley
$100 on behalf of Nancy Teixeira
$100 on behalf of Nicole Majerowski
$100 on behalf of Nicole Majerowski
$100 on behalf of Nonnie and Papa Gaetz
$100 on behalf of Pamela Thornton
$100 on behalf of Panis Family
$100 on behalf of Paul Jozefczyk
$100 on behalf of Paul Jozefczyk
$100 on behalf of Paul Jozefczyk
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Rebecca McAvoy
$100 on behalf of Rebecca Rich
$100 on behalf of Robert Rowe
$100 on behalf of Ron Berger
$100 on behalf of Sarah Vedovelli
$100 on behalf of Sean Collins
$100 on behalf of Sean Wandrei
$100 on behalf of Shaun McGrady
$100 on behalf of Stephen Kurkul
$100 on behalf of Susan Rich
$100 on behalf of T3
$100 on behalf of Tamara Dominick
$100 on behalf of Tanya Scarfe
$100 on behalf of Team Captain William Sansalone
$100 on behalf of The Oberlerchner Family
$100 on behalf of Thomas Lachapelle
$100 on behalf of Tim Londo
$100 on behalf of Timothy Levine
$100 on behalf of William Graves
$93 on behalf of Mom
$90 on behalf of Jay Yarnell
$80 from Anonymous
$75 on behalf of Andrea McKinnon Ganske
$75 from Anonymous
$75 on behalf of Irelynn and Bodie
$75 on behalf of James and Barbara Sadowsky
$75 on behalf of Jerome Lavallee
$75 on behalf of Julia Wayner
$75 on behalf of Ruth and Kent Griffiths
$65 on behalf of Marjorie Cavanaugh
$60 on behalf of Judith Queale-Dunsmoor
$56 on behalf of Grammie Liz
$55 on behalf of Mary Gubala
$53 on behalf of Lil' Golden Bear
$53 on behalf of Becky Turner
$50 on behalf of 3 alone Bitches (Missy, Alex and Morgan Oldenburg)
$50 on behalf of Addison, Reile, Chief, Calvin, Ryan & Drew
$50 on behalf of Alan Slessler
$50 on behalf of Alison Schechtman
$50 on behalf of All your pals at Jiggy's
$50 on behalf of Amy Mendrala
$50 on behalf of Andrea Callahan
$50 on behalf of Andrea Carey
$50 on behalf of Andrew Stark
$50 on behalf of Ann Royce
$50 on behalf of Barbara Gallo
$50 on behalf of Ben Ferro
$50 on behalf of Bill and Colleen Wysocki
$50 on behalf of Bill Toller
$50 on behalf of Bob Baril
$50 on behalf of Bobby Dawson
$50 on behalf of Bobby Demanche
$50 on behalf of Carolee McGrath
$50 on behalf of Charlie Casartello
$50 on behalf of Charlie Casartello
$50 on behalf of Cherie Sandoval
$50 on behalf of Cheryl Marrewa
$50 on behalf of Christrose Dziuban
$50 on behalf of Christrose Dziuban
$50 on behalf of Cindy and Mena Stellato
$50 on behalf of Colleen Mollica
$50 on behalf of Craig Stark
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Dan Bonafilia
$50 on behalf of Danielle Heaps
$50 on behalf of Dave and Val Chapman
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Deb Alves
$50 on behalf of Deborah Cook
$50 on behalf of Denise Lemenager
$50 on behalf of Denise Pouliot
$50 on behalf of Desiree Costa
$50 on behalf of Don St. Jacques
$50 on behalf of Donald Slessler
$50 on behalf of Donald Slessler
$50 on behalf of Donna Watson
$50 on behalf of E & A
$50 on behalf of Ed and Dee Nacewicz
$50 on behalf of Emma Ryan
$50 on behalf of Erica Thiesing
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Ethel Mia
$50 on behalf of Eva-Jeanne Kealey
$50 on behalf of From Dr. Gary, Tina and Grace Gorman in remembrance of our brother in law Larry Schaefer
$50 on behalf of Gail Boone
$50 on behalf of Gary Gorman
$50 on behalf of Gary Gorman
$50 on behalf of Gary Gorman
$50 on behalf of Gary Gorman
$50 on behalf of George DeBlois SR
$50 on behalf of Grace Barone
$50 on behalf of Heather Morice
$50 on behalf of Heather Renaud
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Howard Eldridge
$50 on behalf of Ivy AhDeming
$50 on behalf of Jack, Mikey, Mary Kate and Joey
$50 on behalf of Jacqueline Haley
$50 on behalf of James and Barbara Sadowsky
$50 on behalf of Jane Domings
$50 on behalf of Janes and Barbara Sadowsky
$50 on behalf of Jason Leone
$50 on behalf of Jennifer Boyd
$50 on behalf of Jennifer Cosgrove
$50 on behalf of Jennifer Cui
$50 on behalf of Jennifer Joyce
$50 on behalf of Jennifer Stebbins
$50 on behalf of Jill Caffrey
$50 on behalf of Joe & Lauren Walt
$50 on behalf of Joyce Slessler
$50 on behalf of K2
$50 on behalf of Karen Jeannotte
$50 on behalf of Karen Roberts
$50 on behalf of Kate Eisenberg
$50 on behalf of Kathleen Whelihan
$50 on behalf of Kathleen Cassanelli
$50 on behalf of Kathleen Yarnell
$50 on behalf of Kati Lemay
$50 on behalf of Katie Gramarossa
$50 on behalf of Katie Anderson
$50 on behalf of Katie Anderson
$50 on behalf of Kayla Benoit
$50 on behalf of Kenneth Theroux
$50 on behalf of Kerri Falvo
$50 on behalf of Kevin Grady
$50 on behalf of Kevin Handzel
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Kimberly Collins
$50 on behalf of Kris Rueger
$50 on behalf of Kristen & Frank Montagna
$50 on behalf of Kurt Welker
$50 on behalf of Laurie Card
$50 on behalf of Laurie StMarie
$50 on behalf of Leslie Brunelle
$50 on behalf of Lisa & Lori
$50 on behalf of Lyn Silverstein
$50 on behalf of MacKenzie Halpin
$50 on behalf of Madison Spillers
$50 on behalf of Marjorie Cavanaugh
$50 on behalf of Mark Zatyrka
$50 on behalf of Mary Cressman
$50 on behalf of Mary Flannery
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Maureen Lalancette
$50 on behalf of Meghan Howe
$50 on behalf of Michael Fitzgerald
$50 on behalf of Michael Vumbaco
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Michael Geanacopoulos
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Michele Margeson
$50 on behalf of Michele Margeson
$50 on behalf of Mike & Tricia Berthiaume
$50 on behalf of Mike Parent
$50 on behalf of Mike Pouliot
$50 on behalf of Nathan Hall
$50 on behalf of Nicole & Esteban
$50 on behalf of Noel Sherman
$50 on behalf of Noreen Fernandes
$50 on behalf of Paige Scyocurka
$50 on behalf of Patricia Barbour
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of PATRICIA STEDMAN
$50 on behalf of patricia targonski
$50 on behalf of Patriot’s Auto School
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Pauline Craven
$50 on behalf of Peg Reidy
$50 on behalf of PENNY WHITAKER
$50 on behalf of Rachel LeDuc-Casagrande
$50 on behalf of Raymond Morin
$50 on behalf of Regina Momnie
$50 on behalf of Renee Pouliot
$50 on behalf of Ron Berger
$50 on behalf of Ron Berger
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Ruth Griffiths
$50 on behalf of Samantha Elander
$50 on behalf of Sandra Russell
$50 on behalf of Scott Duperault
$50 on behalf of Shamieka Stewart
$50 on behalf of Shanon Duncan
$50 on behalf of Sheila Serra
$50 on behalf of Shelby & Brody
$50 on behalf of Shelley and Sean Mitchell
$50 on behalf of Stephanie and Judy Hogan
$50 on behalf of Sue and Chris Gagne
$50 on behalf of Sue-Ann Hilton
$50 on behalf of Sue-Ann Hilton
$50 on behalf of Susan Munns-Haas
$50 on behalf of Susan Adkins
$50 on behalf of Tamara Joseph
$50 on behalf of Tania Spear
$50 on behalf of Teresa Poteat
$50 on behalf of Terese Wandrei
$50 on behalf of The Bartles
$50 on behalf of The Haskins family
$50 on behalf of The McMahon family
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Tiffany Lopez
$50 on behalf of Timothy Kelleher
$50 on behalf of Tom and Alexis
$50 on behalf of Tom Paulin
$50 on behalf of Toni Wall
$50 on behalf of Tony Jorge
$50 on behalf of Virginia Giovannini
$50 on behalf of Vita Saltmarsh
$50 on behalf of Waverly Weinberg
$44 on behalf of The FAIRY GODMOTHERS
$42 on behalf of Taking a step ahead of Dr.Ron
$40 from Anonymous
$40 on behalf of Brandi Cahill
$40 on behalf of Cortney Sykes
$40 on behalf of Jen Murphy
$40 on behalf of Jennifer Devine
$40 from Anonymous
$40 on behalf of Kimberly Wolf
$40 on behalf of Melissa Scibelli
$40 on behalf of Sam and Madeline
$40 on behalf of Sera Gagnon
$40 on behalf of The Nichols family
$40 on behalf of The Tatlock Family
$40 on behalf of Tom St.Germain
$36 on behalf of Stephen and Susan Kaplan
$35 on behalf of Nancy Webb Stroud
$35 on behalf of Ryan Wells
$35 on behalf of Susan L Handzel
$31 on behalf of Diane and Nick Martineau
$30 on behalf of Dennis Hogan
$30 on behalf of Dennis Hogan
$30 on behalf of Donna Herman
$30 on behalf of Heather Frail
$30 on behalf of Karen Reid
$30 on behalf of Kathy Chambers
$30 on behalf of Maria Basile
$30 on behalf of Mary Blanchette
$30 from Anonymous
$30 from Anonymous
$30 on behalf of Melissa Morrow
$30 on behalf of Patrick Burke
$30 on behalf of Sabrina & Matt
$30 on behalf of Susan Harrington
$30 on behalf of The Kenny Family
$30 on behalf of Wanda Lucerino
$27 on behalf of Lawrence Gustafson
$26 on behalf of TOMMY Shea
$26 on behalf of Sydney and Hudson Saltmarsh
$26 on behalf of Anne Most
$26 on behalf of Rebecca Powell
$25 on behalf of Aiden and Alivia McKay
$25 on behalf of Aj, kathy, chloe, amelia, james Wray
$25 on behalf of Alex Brennan
$25 on behalf of Amy Higgins
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Amy and Al D in the hizousss
$25 on behalf of Amy and Al D think you look hot running
$25 on behalf of Amy Creasia
$25 on behalf of Amy Higgins
$25 on behalf of Amy OConnor
$25 on behalf of Amy Pomeroy
$25 on behalf of Amy Watts
$25 on behalf of Andrea Saragaglia
$25 on behalf of Andy Klatka
$25 on behalf of Angel Emerson
$25 on behalf of Ann Boskiewicz
$25 on behalf of Ann Hartmann
$25 on behalf of Ann Lombardi
$25 on behalf of Annie Kalesnik
$25 on behalf of Anthony Wallace
$25 on behalf of Aunt Pop & Uncle Bill
$25 on behalf of Barbara Bard
$25 on behalf of Bede Walsh
$25 on behalf of Bethany Bello
$25 on behalf of Bethany Bello
$25 on behalf of Betsy-Dawn Williams
$25 on behalf of Bonnie Forcier
$25 on behalf of Brenna McGinn Ferrentino
$25 on behalf of Bridget Mullen
$25 on behalf of Carole Rys
$25 on behalf of Carter Fenn
$25 on behalf of Cathy Raynor
$25 on behalf of Cecilia Dowd
$25 on behalf of Charlie & Dagmar Pignatare
$25 on behalf of Cherie Rousseau
$25 on behalf of Cheryl Fitzgerald
$25 on behalf of Chris Foley
$25 on behalf of Chris O'Connor
$25 on behalf of Christa Nunez
$25 on behalf of CHRISTINE DAY
$25 on behalf of CHRISTINE DAY
$25 on behalf of Colleen Cummings
$25 on behalf of Cynthia Newsome
$25 on behalf of Daisy Acosta
$25 on behalf of Dana Parrot
$25 on behalf of Dana Saragaglia
$25 on behalf of Dawn Mcelwey
$25 on behalf of Dee and Mitch
$25 on behalf of Deidre Torff (match)
$25 on behalf of Denise Olszewski
$25 on behalf of Dennis Douglas
$25 on behalf of Diane Brouillard
$25 on behalf of Diane Uliana
$25 on behalf of Dianna Decaro
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Donna Beaudoin
$25 on behalf of Donna Beaudoin
$25 on behalf of Donna Beaudoin
$25 on behalf of Donna Cauley
$25 on behalf of Donna Dion
$25 on behalf of Donna Manlove
$25 on behalf of Donna/Brian Abad
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Ed Shultz
$25 on behalf of Elise Powell
$25 on behalf of Elizabeth Cohen
$25 on behalf of ELIZABETH ROOT
$25 on behalf of Ella Brunelle
$25 on behalf of Ellen Connors
$25 on behalf of Emily Donovan (Scheulen)
$25 on behalf of Erica Tramontana
$25 on behalf of Ericka Emerson
$25 on behalf of Faith Blackwell
$25 on behalf of Faith Blackwell (match)
$25 on behalf of Gary Gorman
$25 on behalf of Gary Gorman
$25 on behalf of Gina & Ned
$25 on behalf of Good luck Bob! Love Charlee Noonan
$25 on behalf of Granchildren of the Chambers
$25 on behalf of Hope Santaniello
$25 on behalf of Jack & Ben
$25 on behalf of Jacqueline Sarkis
$25 on behalf of Jacqueline Shakar
$25 on behalf of Jahnna Kazak
$25 on behalf of Janice Tingley
$25 on behalf of Janine Dunlea
$25 on behalf of Janine Dunlea (match)
$25 on behalf of Jeannine Duquette
$25 on behalf of Jen Donahue
$25 on behalf of Jen Donahue
$25 on behalf of Jennifer Rokosz
$25 on behalf of Jennifer Alli
$25 on behalf of Jennifer Sullivan
$25 on behalf of Jess Rutkowski
$25 on behalf of Jessica Shurley
$25 on behalf of Jessica Kelly
$25 on behalf of JoAnne Lemenager
$25 on behalf of Jodi Farina
$25 on behalf of Joe Monroy
$25 on behalf of Johanna Margeson
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of John Fitzgerald
$25 on behalf of Josephine Tramontana
$25 on behalf of Juanita Bisson
$25 on behalf of Julia Stevens
$25 on behalf of Julie Stark
$25 on behalf of Karen Garvin
$25 on behalf of Karen Ladd
$25 on behalf of Karen Stevenson
$25 on behalf of Karyn Marciniec
$25 on behalf of Kathleen Chambers
$25 on behalf of Kathy Chase
$25 on behalf of Kathy Conklin
$25 on behalf of Kathy Green
$25 on behalf of Katie Oppedisano
$25 on behalf of Katy Biron
$25 on behalf of Keith Malloy
$25 on behalf of Kelley Maher
$25 on behalf of Kelly McCarthy
$25 on behalf of Kerry Smith
$25 on behalf of Kevin Conway
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Kim Handzel
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Kimberly Sweeney
$25 on behalf of Kimmel Nacewicz
$25 on behalf of Kristen Franklin
$25 on behalf of Lauren Donnelly
$25 on behalf of Laurie Lyman
$25 on behalf of Linda and Monica
$25 on behalf of LINDA HAMEL
$25 on behalf of Lindsay Byrne
$25 on behalf of Lisa Kiefer
$25 on behalf of Lisa Goodrich
$25 on behalf of Lisa Nettis
$25 on behalf of Lisa Seymour
$25 on behalf of Lori Colwell
$25 on behalf of Lori Conroy
$25 on behalf of Luce Bernardos
$25 from Anonymous
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Lynne Rowland
$25 on behalf of Maggie Adams
$25 on behalf of Marcia Kessler
$25 on behalf of Mary Guertin
$25 on behalf of MaryEllen Gallagher
$25 on behalf of Mathew Geffin
$25 on behalf of Matthew Reilly
$25 on behalf of Maura Donovan
$25 on behalf of Maureen Vosburgh
$25 on behalf of Meghan Szczepanek
$25 on behalf of Michael and Lauren Peterson
$25 on behalf of Michael Brunelle
$25 on behalf of Michael DeVine
$25 on behalf of Michael Lane
$25 on behalf of Michael Swiatlowski
$25 on behalf of Michael Williamd
$25 on behalf of Michele Montagna
$25 on behalf of Michelle Coach
$25 on behalf of Michelle Davis
$25 on behalf of Michelle Haska
$25 on behalf of Michelle Meczywor
$25 on behalf of MICHELLE MIRTI
$25 on behalf of Michelle Moriarty
$25 on behalf of Michelle Pelletier
$25 on behalf of Millie Tangredi
$25 on behalf of Nancy Granger
$25 on behalf of Nancy Stevenson
$25 on behalf of Nicole Labonte
$25 on behalf of Nicole Roderick
$25 on behalf of Pam Crochiere
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Pamela Grasso
$25 on behalf of pamela minahan
$25 on behalf of Pamela Nadeau
$25 on behalf of Paul Gallagher
$25 on behalf of Paul Gallagher
$25 on behalf of Paula J Wilson
$25 on behalf of Peter Ampelakis
$25 on behalf of Poonam Trehan
$25 on behalf of Presh Dineshkumar
$25 on behalf of Rebekah Perrin
$25 on behalf of Renee Roeder
$25 on behalf of Rhea Callahan
$25 on behalf of Richard Robinson
$25 on behalf of Richard Geffin
$25 on behalf of Robert Dawson
$25 on behalf of Robert Ryan
$25 on behalf of Ron Berger
$25 on behalf of Sally/Bob Dully
$25 on behalf of Samantha Debiasio
$25 on behalf of Samantha Turrini
$25 on behalf of Sarah Calvanese
$25 on behalf of Scott Brindle
$25 on behalf of Sharon Couen
$25 on behalf of Sharon Horan
$25 on behalf of Sharon Kipetz
$25 on behalf of Sharon Lussier
$25 on behalf of Shirley Morris
$25 on behalf of Skip and Lori Leclerc
$25 on behalf of Stacey Crerar
$25 on behalf of Stacey Crerar
$25 on behalf of Stacey Crerar
$25 on behalf of Steven DaSilva
$25 on behalf of Sue Brown
$25 on behalf of Susan & Dennis Porter
$25 on behalf of Susan and Paul Tubito
$25 on behalf of SUSAN GROLL
$25 on behalf of Susan Rejniak
$25 on behalf of Suzanne Abbott
$25 on behalf of Suzanne Gile
$25 on behalf of Suzanne Gile
$25 on behalf of Taylor Hartmann
$25 on behalf of Team Yeti
$25 on behalf of Teresa Vincent
$25 on behalf of Terri Desmond
$25 on behalf of The Landers Family
$25 on behalf of Timothy Gaudet
$25 on behalf of Tony and Chrissy Fazio
$25 on behalf of Tracey Magro
$25 on behalf of Tracy Langevin
$25 on behalf of Tracy Martin
$25 on behalf of Valerie Pinciak
$25 on behalf of Venetta Murphy
$25 on behalf of Virginia Warner
$25 on behalf of Zach & Zara Blair
$25 on behalf of Laura Fisher
$21 on behalf of Gary Goulet
$20 on behalf of Happy New Year!
$20 on behalf of Aaron Zanchi
$20 on behalf of Ali Blanchette
$20 on behalf of Alice Morin
$20 on behalf of Alicia Dessereau
$20 on behalf of Alison Castellano
$20 on behalf of Allysa Kelly
$20 on behalf of Amanda/Aaden Saltmarsh
$20 on behalf of Amy Driscoll
$20 on behalf of amy johnson
$20 on behalf of Bapa and Grammie
$20 on behalf of Barbara Rogers
$20 on behalf of Becky Prain
$20 on behalf of Becky Turner
$20 on behalf of Beth Pignatare
$20 on behalf of Brooke Odunlami
$20 on behalf of Casey Coons
$20 on behalf of Cassie Iacolino
$20 on behalf of Christine Patterson
$20 on behalf of Cindy Moriarty
$20 on behalf of Colby Handzel
$20 on behalf of Curtis Miarecki
$20 on behalf of Damon Markiewicz
$20 on behalf of Deb Marciano
$20 on behalf of Debra Douglas
$20 on behalf of Donna Cauley
$20 on behalf of Dorothy Plante
$20 on behalf of Dorothy Snow
$20 on behalf of Dr. G’s Plants
$20 on behalf of Easton Bushey
$20 on behalf of Ellen Landis
$20 on behalf of Emma Ryan
$20 on behalf of Emma Ryan
$20 on behalf of Eric Babski
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Erin Hanson
$20 on behalf of Erin King
$20 on behalf of Gallagher Family
$20 on behalf of Heather Harris
$20 on behalf of Holly Goulet
$20 on behalf of Holly Dinnie
$20 on behalf of Holly Riopel
$20 on behalf of Jane and Frank Weyant
$20 on behalf of JANICE TRUELOVE
$20 on behalf of Jennifer Dutko
$20 on behalf of Jessica Bourgault
$20 on behalf of Jon Gravelin
$20 on behalf of Jordan Barile
$20 on behalf of Juan F Latorre III
$20 on behalf of Juanita Bisson
$20 on behalf of Karen Albano
$20 on behalf of Katherine Wray
$20 on behalf of Kathy Butler
$20 on behalf of Kayla & Griffin Slessler
$20 on behalf of Kerri Cavanaugh
$20 on behalf of Kim Budri
$20 on behalf of Kimberly Ewing
$20 on behalf of Krissy Lyon
$20 on behalf of Kristin Cabrini
$20 on behalf of Lindsey Magarian
$20 on behalf of Lorraine B
$20 on behalf of Mairead Moreno
$20 on behalf of Marcia Martel
$20 on behalf of Maria Gorecki
$20 on behalf of Marisa Masciadrelli
$20 on behalf of Matthew Fox
$20 on behalf of Melanie Bisson
$20 on behalf of Melissa Webber
$20 on behalf of Melissa Kriebel
$20 on behalf of Meridith Masloski
$20 on behalf of Michelle Duncan
$20 on behalf of Mike and Eileen
$20 on behalf of Monique Vacon
$20 on behalf of Nadia Dorval
$20 on behalf of Nancy Farrell
$20 from Anonymous
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Noelle Duquette
$20 on behalf of Pat and Joanne O’Toole
$20 on behalf of Patrick Armstrong
$20 on behalf of Paul Jozefczyk
$20 on behalf of Paula Montagna
$20 on behalf of Rebecca Pescitelli
$20 on behalf of Rena Holder
$20 on behalf of Richard Jarvis
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Robert Lefebvre
$20 on behalf of Ryan Smith
$20 on behalf of Sarah Rondinelli
$20 on behalf of Shannon Abad
$20 on behalf of Shannon Bruno
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Shaun McGrady
$20 on behalf of Shaun McGrady
$20 from Anonymous
$20 on behalf of Sue & Dennis Porter
$20 on behalf of Suzanne Lunardini
$20 on behalf of Teila Landau
$20 on behalf of The Rocha Family
$20 on behalf of The Bailey Family
$20 on behalf of The Capo’s
$20 on behalf of The Kelehers
$20 on behalf of Tina Sullivan
$20 on behalf of Tina Bernardes
$20 on behalf of Tom Verrico
$20 on behalf of Tricia Knapik
$20 on behalf of Valenti Family
$18 on behalf of Linda Geffin
$15 on behalf of Dan Lunardini
$15 on behalf of Kathy Aleks
$15 on behalf of Kevin Montemagni
$15 on behalf of Michelle Butler
$15 on behalf of Monique Vacon
$15 on behalf of Pamela Barsalou
$15 on behalf of Sheila Franklin
$15 on behalf of Susan Frigo
$15 from Anonymous
$15 on behalf of William Galat
$13 on behalf of Marlene Veldwisch
$10 on behalf of Averys Friends
$10 on behalf of Carey Penna
$10 on behalf of Cheryl O'Connor
$10 on behalf of Cynthia Agruso
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Debra Donaldson
$10 on behalf of Emily Langlois
$10 on behalf of Gina Strickland
$10 on behalf of Hudson Saltmarsh
$10 on behalf of Jackie O
$10 on behalf of Jennifer Butler
$10 on behalf of Jerome Lavallee
$10 on behalf of Jerome Lavallee
$10 on behalf of Judy Stearns
$10 on behalf of Kaitlin Cookish
$10 on behalf of Katie Hurley
$10 on behalf of Linda Bowers
$10 on behalf of Linda Brown
$10 on behalf of Liz Swain
$10 on behalf of Marie Cheney
$10 on behalf of Megan Weiss
$10 on behalf of Melissa Morrow
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Paul Jozefczyk
$10 on behalf of Paul Jozefczyk
$10 on behalf of Rebecca McAvoy
$10 on behalf of Rebecca McAvoy
$10 on behalf of Rebecca McAvoy
$10 on behalf of Rebecca McAvoy
$10 on behalf of Rebecca McAvoy
$10 on behalf of Rosalynn BravoCavoli
$10 on behalf of Ryan Casey
$10 on behalf of Sarah Foley
$10 on behalf of Sarah Long
$10 on behalf of Sarah Rondinelli
$10 on behalf of Stacey Kraucunas
$10 on behalf of Stephen Bodurtha
$10 on behalf of Susan Caldes
$10 on behalf of Sydney Saltmarsh
$10 on behalf of Team Yeti
$10 on behalf of Tell your wife more FB posts...
$10 on behalf of Tina Yvon
$10 on behalf of Violet
$10 on behalf of Violet
$6 on behalf of Michael Swiatlowski
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Michelle Butler

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