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One in Five 5K

Sunday, April 27, 2025 Directions

One in Five 5K

Donation Goal: $25,000

This is an important outreach event!  Our wish is that all survivors who want to participate are able to regardless of funds.

Please consider either sponsoring a survivor or making a general donation to our organization.  

You can sponsor a survivor by paying their entire race fee or by paying any portion of their race fee.   Every dollar helps!  

Fundraising will end on May 11.  We will announce our fundraising winners on May 12!  Thank you so much!

All monies raised will be used to continue supporting victims of sexual violence in Kennebec and Somerset counties.


Raised of $25,000


Top Donors

$621 Raised By 19 Donors

$200 From: Nicole Bailey
$50 From: Barbara Covey
$50 From: Brooke Ross
$40 From: David Pence
$40 From: Suzanne Wobst
$35 From: Mark Kavanaugh
$35 from Anonymous
$31 from Facebook Donation
$25 from Anonymous
$25 From: Kartika Wright
$20 from Anonymous
$15 from Anonymous
$10 From: Ivy Aycock
$10 From: Katie Church
$10 From: Meg Hatch
$10 From: Michelle LeClair
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous

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