Help make a positive difference in supporting University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children's Hospital families whose loved ones are enduring complex medical issues with gas, food, utilities and many other basic necessities, that become hardships when a family is facing the medical crisis of a loved one. To date we have awarded over 160 grants totaling over $125,000. This 5k/1 mile fundraiser is our largest fundraising initiative for 2025.
Run for FREE with a $100 donation. Discounted entry fees for donations of $75 - $25! Select the amount below and your discounted entry fee will be reflected in the cart during checkout. The FREE entry is valid until 6/18, then it's a $30 (5k) and $25 (1 mile) discounted entry fee with a $100 donation.
We are also accepting corporate and business sponsors for the event. If you would like to become a sponsor, follow the process outlined here: Become a Sponsor