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Become a Steward to the Greatest Generation/ Please Make a contribution
Our goal for this year is to continue to raise funds for our scholarship program.
Please consider donating what you can to help us achieve our goal. Just a little from a lot will support our mission.

The Bob Feller Act of Valor Award Foundation’s ongoing mission is to keep alive the sacrifices of the heroes of the Greatest Generation, from Hall of Fame pitcher and war hero Bob Feller and the brave men of World War II. 37 Hall of Fame and 500 MLB players served during WWII. We must never forget their awesome level of sacrifice and dedication to this great nation.

We educate Americans of all ages through on-field ceremony recognition of our current MLB ballplayers, events with the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marines, the Walk of Heroes in Museums and ball parks, and our annual award ceremony each year in Washington D.C.

All of our board members and staff of the Foundation are unpaid volunteers giving freely of their time and effort, and we subsist entirely on donations to cover our costs, including travel and hospitality for the military award winners, high quality award busts, catering for events, and administrative needs including updating this website.

If you have made a donation in the past, we thank you very much and want you to know that you are helping to honor this nation’s greatest heroes in the best way possible: by helping tell their stories.

For further information regarding sponsorship and support about the award, please contact:

Peter Fertig at

The Bob Feller Act of Valor Award Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

If you make a contribution please let us know by mail or email so that we may send you an

(in Kind) donation letter.

The Foundation now also accepts donations of stock. 
Account # 2610-3546 Bob Feller Act of Valor Award
DTC delivery instructions:
Charles Schwab
DTC #:   0164, Code 40

Please contact us if you have any questions.

All donations will go into the general fund unless specifically outlined for the scholarship or any other programs we might have.
Please mail your contribution to: 
Bob Feller Act of Valor Award Foundation
PO BOX 110
Port Jefferson Station, NY, 11776

If donating through Qgivl, be sure to share your mailing address if receiving a challenge coin…thank you again!

Top Donors

$162 Raised By 9 Donors

$50 on behalf of Yvonne Yakaboski
$25 on behalf of William Ude
$22 from Anonymous
$22 on behalf of Angie Mendez Fata
$22 on behalf of Melissa Tunstead
$10 on behalf of Celeste Rice
$5 on behalf of Carrie Kennedy
$5 on behalf of Dean Gandley
$1 on behalf of Melissa Reyes

Enter a custom donation amount or select a donation level above.

Donation Attribution

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