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Rally For Reagan 5K

Grove City, OH 43123 US

The Reagan Delaney Tokes Memorial Foundation was established in 2017 after Reagan’s life was tragically taken at the hands of Evil.  

Reagan was a gifted student with a kind and generous nature that was loving and giving to all she encountered. She was a beautiful person inside and out. She is missed immensely every day by her family, friends, and all those who had the privilege of knowing her. Her beautiful light continues to shine in this world, with the action that takes place through the foundation created in her memory and honor. To date, more than $375,000 of scholarship funds have been awarded to local students at Perrysburg and Anthony Wayne High Schools, Maumee United Methodist Church, and The Ohio State  University. In addition, safety and self-defense courses have been taught to raise awareness and fight against the dangers lurking in the shadows.  

All proceeds from this race, along with donations will benefit her foundation 100%.  

In addition to the creation of this foundation. Her family has also tackled the legislative and judicial system in the State of Ohio to try to prevent a tragedy like the one that occurred in their family from happening again. The system failed Reagan and her death was preventable. Phase one of the Reagan  Tokes ACT was passed into law on December 21, 2018. This portion of the bill addressed improper behavior and the lack of reform for violent offenders while incarcerated. Reagan’s murderer had 52  infractions while serving a sentence for rape but was still released with no consequences or additional time being added to his sentence. With the passing of Senate Bill 201, Reagan Tokes Law, indefinite sentencing is now in effect in the State of Ohio and there are consequences for improper incarceration conduct. Had this law been in place in 2017, Reagan would still be with us.  

Phase Two of this Act, which just passed unanimously in the Ohio House, deals with the ankle monitor program and parole officer caseload. The ankle monitor program as it currently stands is a worthless waste of taxpayer dollars. It is not monitored in real-time, nor does it have warning bells for violations of being outside of zones, curfew, tampering, etc. In addition, parole officer caseload is extreme and the most violent often go unchecked once they are released. Reagan’s perpetrator had committed nine other crimes prior to her murder. Had this portion of the bill been in place at the time, it is likely none of those crimes would have occurred because the prevention techniques the ankle monitor should provide would have resulted in his apprehension for parole violations. The bill is now in committee with the Ohio Senate and the Tokes family remains vigilant to seeing it signed into law as well.  

Thank you for your participation in our event and for choosing to ACT so that support can be provided to students who are deserving and in need. Actions Conquer Tragedy and participating in an event that makes the world a better place for another individual is always the right path to be on.  

Don’t be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good 

Romans 12:21

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