Feeding Umpqua is a part of The United Community Action Network that strives to eliminate food insecurity. Food Insecurity is defined as a lack of reliable access to enough affordable, nutritious food.
More than 1 in 10 households are food
insecure in Oregon.
In Douglas County (DoCo), 13,750
people are food insecure or 12.5% of the
17% of food insecure people in DoCo
make too much $$ to qualify for
government assistance.
Over 18,000 people access the DoCo
Emergency Food Network every month.
How Feeding Umpqua helps:
Emergency Food Distribution through a
network of 16 food pantries and 6
community kitchens/shelters.
Increasing Food Access to the most underserved parts of our county with a mobile
pantry—The Outpost Mobile Food Center.
In addition, free produce is distributed at
ODHS offices during the summer/fall.
Providing Nutrition Education to support
youth and families with Food Hero @ the
Farmers’ Market and meal kits for pantry
Advocacy, networking, and working on
community food system policy.