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Donation Goal: $60,000

For the 28th annual Sprint for Life, please kindly consider making a donation to fund ovarian cancer research.

When you donate to Sprint for Life, your money helps fund clinical and translational research for ovarian cancer. This also includes grants for new areas of research that improve detection, prevention, treatment, and positively impact survivorship. 

Each year, one or two $50,000 Sprint for Life research grants are awarded.  These grants are a platform for researchers to fulfill larger grants awarded by national groups and government agencies.

Gifts to MD Anderson Cancer Center are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law. The Taxpayer ID of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is 74-6001118.



Raised of $60,000


Top Donors

$10,745 Raised By 114 Donors

$1,500 On Behalf Of Team Tumornator
$1,000 in memory of Terri Groner Berry
$500 in memory of RACHEL BRADBURY
$250 in honor of Amira Plascencia
$250 in memory of Charulata Shah
$250 in honor of Claire Bear
$250 in honor of Dr. Alexandra Bercow
$250 in memory of Florence Glubin
$250 in memory of Hayley McDonald
$250 in honor of Layne Johnson
$250 in honor of Neomia Stevenson
$250 in honor of Sandra Davis
$250 from Anonymous
$200 in memory of My generous, beautiful and loving sister/best friend, Terri Groner
$200 in honor of Terri Groner and Carolyn Groner
$125 in honor of JOANNE COHEN
$118 from Anonymous
$100 in honor of Aaron Shafer
$100 in honor of Adam Soffar
$100 from Anonymous
$100 in honor of Amira Plascencia-Ledroz
$100 in memory of Beverly J Shircliffe
$100 from Anonymous
$100 in memory of Carolyn Groner
$100 in memory of Claire Cardwell

Individual Fundraisers

Finn Naggar
Elizabeth Naggar
Sameer Shah
Neomia Stevenson
Pamela Soliman
Alexandra Bercow
Hayley Naggar
Robin Edenfield
Becky Tyner
Ha Nguyen
Monica Vallejo
Lisa's 5k Run Fundraiser
Teresa Clark
Jennifer Tiedt
Lady Charlette Perry
Dana Cherry
Yesenia Baires
Kristin Johnson

Team Fundraisers

Team Tumornator
Team Bercow
Team Charulata
Run for Rama 2025
Judy’s Mission
Team Tia Norma
Los Caracoles de Socorro
Team Alphia
Becky’s Bunch
Run for Diem
The Cristina Project
Symptom Research Department for Life!
Kathy's Kougars
Making Cancer Extinct
Triumphant Women of God
TIRR/MDA Cancer Symposium
The Diagnosticators

Select a fundraiser to donate to a cause.


Enter a custom donation amount or select a donation level above.

Donation Attribution

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