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35th Annual Tour De Cape 5K And Bike Ride & Kids Bike Ride - 2026

Sat January 24 - Sun January 25, 2026 Cape Coral, FL 33914 US Directions
Countdown to Race Day


Rotary Park
5505 Rose Garden Rd
Cape Coral, FL US 33914


2025 Entry Will Open in Late Summer-2025.

The Cape Coral Parks and Recreation Department is proud to host the 35th Anniversary of Tour De Cape! The event includes a 5K, a Mini Kids Ride, and 15-30-62-100 mile bike tours in the northwest and southwest regions of Cape Coral.

The 5K will be chipped timed and scored by Lin-Mark Sports of Cape Coral - texted results will be available to all persons who sign up for it during the registration process.

The Tour rides including the Speed Zone portion will also be timed by Lin-Mark Sports with texted results available.


Check-in: 6:30 am

Race Time: 8:00 am

The 5K run/walk is designed for advanced and novice runners. A grab-and-go breakfast will be available for participants. Registration includes a performance shirt (while supply lasts), chip time, and video finish!


Mini Kids Ride

Check-in: 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. 

Safety & Helmet Check: 10:15 a.m. 

Ride Time: 10:30 a.m. 

Registration includes a performance shirt (while supply lasts) and lunch (Adult riders with paid children are free.)

Training wheels or balance bikes are not permitted on the course.

COMBO (5K Run & Tour Ride)

Sat., January 24

Check-in: 6:30 am

Race Time: 8:00 am

The 5K run/walk is designed for advanced and novice runners.

Sun., January 25

Check-in: 6:30 a.m. - 7:45 a.m.

Ride Times: 62/100 mile - 7:45 a.m. 15/30 mile - 8:00 a.m.

Sunday's bike tours offer varied routes from 15, 20, 62, and 100 mile courses in the west and north sections of Cape Coral. The event provides on-route rest stations with snacks and beverages, SAG vehicles, Police support, and route maps.  

Registration includes a performance shirt (while supply lasts), breakfast, speed zone, 5K chip time, lunch, and bike chip time!


Race Website

Additional race information can be found at

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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