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Cole Borges Moon & Stars 5k and 1 mile Fun Run

Fri June 6, 2025 Marianna, FL 32446 US Directions


Cole Borges 5k

$35 7:30PM CDT Registration ends June 6, 2025 at 11:59pm CDT

Cole Borges 1 Mile Kids Fun Run ( 12 and Younger)

$0 8:30PM CDT Registration ends June 6, 2025 at 11:59pm CDT
Open to ages 12 and under.


Mere Sports Complex
3625 Caverns Road
Marianna, FL US 32446


The Cole Borges Scholarship Foundation Invites you to the COLE BORGES MOON & STARS 5K Run/Walk


When : FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 2025


For more information please visit our Facebook page at


6:30pm Registration

7:30pm 5K Begins

8:30pm 1 Mile Kids Fun run - Free for 12 and Younger 

Wwe will be awarding the  Fastest Female & Male  in each age group  


*Medals for Overall Fastest 

  Female & Male Runners

Crazy Kofe Lady…. More Food Trucks will be posted soon

For More Information or if you would like to be a Sponsor, call

Stacy Borges (850) 573-1990 or email


My Name is Stacy Borges. I am the mother of Cole.  Glen, myself and our Boys, Jon-Alan & Alex, would like to thank you for allowing us the opportunity to explain to you about the Scholarship Fund we have started in memory of Cole.

Our son Cole passed away in January of 2023. Cole was 15 years old, in 10th grade, and was in almost all honors classes at Marianna High School. Cole was a continuous cross-country runner since 6th grade. When he started High school, he found a love for soccer and was a player on the JV team for his 9th & 10th grade years.

Cole was an extraordinary kid. I'm not saying this because I am his mother, but Cole touched many lives in his own special way. Cole was a goal setter; he had a lot of friends and had a handful of very close friends that he considered family. Cole was polite, loving and extremely caring (again not just a mom talking here). Cole went out of his way to make others feel special, wanted, and always went out of his way to help others. As a mom, even I didn't realize the number of lives he touched, until his passing.

Cole was a member of St Anne's catholic church, and the youth group. Cole was an altar server for over 7 years and made his confirmation the April before his passing. His faith was strong, and he knew his God would understand, and knew he would by his side. 
Cole had always had the dream to go into the army or air force, but recently he decided that going to college and getting a degree was the most important thing. Cole was undecided what he wanted to do, but most 15-year-old boys do not know that yet.

Cole volunteered his time so often. I was the Marianna Middle School & K-8 VIP president for many years and spearheaded 2 project graduations. Cole was always there to help me with everything I did. He never complained because he knew what the purpose of volunteering meant. He understood that many kids did not have involved parents, and he was very glad to help.

See… Cole was a giver. He was kind and patient and knew in his heart that he always had to help. Whether it was his friends, others at school, helping at the church, or just helping someone he did not know.
Cole knew many things, things beyond his years that he should not have known. But one thing Cole knew, was this world was expensive. He knew the value of a dollar and knew what it cost to attend any college.

So, after Coles passing, our family knew we had to keep Coles memory alive, and what better way than to do it Cole's way... The way of helping others. This is why, we as a family, chose to start a Memorial Scholarship fund in his memory. We wanted to help offset the expenses for college, that we know so many kids today many not be able to afford.

With Coles love for running, his obsession with the stars in the sky and his dream to attend college, we started an annual 5k run that builds the platform for our scholarship fund. Our 5k is called the “Cole Borges Moon & Stars 5k Run/Walk”. It is at night so, when we look up to the stars, we will know Cole will be watching over everyone.

Our Scholarship Program is offered to residents that reside in Jackson, Washington, Holmes and Calhoun counties. We also want everyone to know that this scholarship can be used in a traditional secondary institution or ANY trade school.

We encourage students to apply especially for a trade school. We know that many scholarships omit trade schools, but we need the tradesmen. We could not survive in our lives without them. Coles Dad as well as myself did not attend a traditional institution, and I myself work in a trade. We want to positively impact as many students as we can, as we believe this is what our Cole would want.


Each year we hope to build our fund but know each year will be different. So far, our Scholarship Program has given out four, $1,000 Scholarships. This year, 2025, we already have several applications on hand, and plan to give out seven, $1,000 scholarships. These scholarships could not be given out without our Generous Sponsors and all our runners.


Our family is asking anyone that would be interested in being a part of our scholarship fund, by donating directly to the fund, or sponsoring our 5k run in June. All money raised will go towards additional scholarship to the students. You do not need to be a Business to sponsor the 5k Run/Walk

We also are asking you to help spread the word by telling people about the run/walk, placing a flyer at any business that will allow the flyer, or if you should know anyone who would like to sponsor the run/walk, they can contact us directly for a sponsorship package.

Registration is open and we encourage EVERYONE to participate. If you are not a runner, or a walker, you may register for a donation only, and we hope you will attend the run/walk to watch and encourage others.

Thank you all for your time and your support. We know Cole is watching us all and encouraging us to all be our best.

Stacy, Glen, Jon-Alan & Alex


***According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death among adults in the U.S. and the 2nd leading cause of death among people aged 10-24 and these rates are increasing. Depression and suicide often coincide. Yet not everyone who is depressed attempts suicide—and not everyone who attempts suicide is depressed. 

·         Boys are 4 times more likely to die from suicide than girls.

·         Girls are more likely to attempt suicide than boys.

·         Guns are used in more than half of all youth suicides.


The Signs are not always there as we know. But Please... If you SEE SOMETHING…. SAY SOMETHING…. And ALWAYS #Checkonyourfriends


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Race Flyer


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