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Eighth Street Elementary Tradition Trot 5K and Fun Run

Sat February 22, 2025 Ocala, FL 34471 US Directions



8:00AM EST - 10:00AM EST

1 Mile Fun Run with T- Shirt

9:15AM EST - 11:00AM EST

1 Mile Fun Run NO Shirt

9:15AM EST - 11:00AM EST


Ocala Citizens' Circle
SE Osceola Ave
Ocala, FL US 34471


Join us for the Annual Eighth Street Elementary Tradition Trot 5k and 1 mile fun run on Saturday, February 22nd at Ocala Citizens' Circle.

The race will start and finish at Ocala Citizens' Circle. Come out and run through Ocala's Historic Downtown scenic neighborhood to support our neighborhood school!

5k will start promptly at 8 am; awards immediately following; Fun run will begin at approximately 9:15am at Ocala Citizens' Circle following completion of 5k awards.

Help us support our school's PTO goals of enriching academic experiences, enhancing extracurricular activities, and continued school improvement while enjoying a great run/walk through our downtown neighborhood!

Register early!!!

Prices for all races will increase on January 1st, 2025. 

Event details and schedule

Packet Pickup: Packet pickup for all registered 5k runners and fun run participants will begin at 7:00 am on Race Day at Ocala Citizens' Circle.

5K entries include:

5k Awards, prizes and shirt information:

T-shirt (guaranteed size if registered by 12/31/24)

Overall, age group Awards, and a goodie bag.

Fun run entries include: entry bracelet

1st, 2nd, & 3rd place awards for the following age groups:

7 & Under

8 & 9

10 & 11









Prizes for:

Overall Female & Male

Overall Masters (40+) Female and Male



Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Eagle Level Sponsor

Soaring Level Sponsor

Wing Level Sponsor

Finish Line Sponsor

Mile Marker Sponsor

Water Station Sponsor


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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