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ERS Leftovers 5k @ Waterford landing

Thu November 28, 2024 Richmond Hill, GA 31324 US Directions



8:00AM EST


731 Waterford Landing Rd
Richmond Hill, GA US 31324


This Thanksgiving bring out some Peanut Butter and we will bring our left over gear to the Annual Leftovers 5k hosted through Waterford Landing HOA.  The race will begin at the Waterford Landing Club house formerly the Waterford Landing Golf Course Club house (731 Waterford Landing Rd, Richmond Hill, GA 31324). We will run on the trails and golf cart paths. You can push a stroller without much trouble but there are areas that are not paved or perfectly flat. The course is slightly long at 3.2. 

Registration: $5 for non residence plus Donation of a Jar of Peanut Butter 

Neighborhood Members: Free plus We ask for a donation of a Jar of Peanut Butter

ERS will bring out all kinds of leftover gear including some shirts, medals and race bibs so the event will include chip timing and a random race gifts. When you finish, pick your medal! This is the most relaxed thanksgiving stress allowed, no expectations other then invite friends and family to join you and earn some extra Thanksgiving treats!

Race cap of 100 non-residents because we have limited parking.

Self Serve Packet pickup race day: Walk up, pickup a bib, sign in and find a gift you like. 

Self Serve Medals: After you finish find the medal you would like and enjoy it! A dozen options will be there for you to choose. 

Race Contact Info

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