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Sat May 17, 2025 Ammon, ID 83406 US Directions


Lil Ducky 1 Mile

$9 8:00AM MDT - 11:00AM MDT Registration ends May 17, 2025 at 9:00am MDT

Hungry Ducky 5k

$20 9:00AM MDT - 11:00AM MDT Registration ends May 16, 2025 at 11:59pm MDT

Crazy Ducky 10k

$30 8:00AM MDT - 11:00AM MDT Registration ends May 16, 2025 at 11:59pm MDT

Ducky Beast 1/2 Marathon

$50 7:00AM MDT - 11:00AM MDT Registration ends May 16, 2025 at 11:59pm MDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


3074 Targhee St (McCowin Park)
Ammon, ID US 83406


The Duck Donuthon is part fun run, part eating competition, and fun for the whole family! This year our course will be in McCowin Park, Ammon, Idaho, with some grass and a loop around the bike path. We'll have a nice big "pig pen" area with music and fun where you get locked up until you eat your donut. (You can check out the map on our website. This is a great activity for kids, families, and die hard crazies! Ollie, Duck Donuts mascot will be on hand to add entertainment and cheer you on. 

You'll start on the gun, run your mile, enter our "Pig Pen" where you will grab 1 donut and eat it, once your mouth is empty you'll head to the Start/Finish line. If you are doing the 1 mile race, you are done. Any of the other races, you'll repeat until you've completed the distance/# of donuts.


LIL DUCKY-1 Mile: Run 1 mile then eat 1 donut. You'll get 1 donut and a finisher award. The Lil Ducky race will have open start times every 15 minutes from 8:00am to 10:45am. (So basically you can choose whether to run at 8:15, 9:15, 10:15 or whichever one fits your family better. If you've got someone running and you want to cheer them on, come for an earlier start time. If your kids want to sleep in you can come for one of the later times, most of the other runners should be done before 10:00am, so if you don't like crowds come after that, if you do like crowds come right at 8:15). 
HUNGRY DUCKY-5k: Run a total of 3 miles and eat 3 donuts. You'll get 3 donuts and a Finisher Award, if you finish, plus we will have chip timing and awards for the fastest male and female participants). Chip timing provided by Vector Timing! All 5k runners will start at 9:00am and have until 11:00am to finish (so basically you can walk and enjoy the park and your donuts if you want), we'll also have prizes for the top male and female finishers. (so you can run hard and not enjoy your donuts if you want as well). 

CRAZY DUCKY-10k: Run a total of 6 miles and eat 6 donuts. You'll get 6 donuts and a Finisher Award, if you finish, plus we will have chip timing and awards for the fastest male and female participants). All 10k runners will start at 8:00am and have until 11:00am to finish (you should have plenty of time to walk and enjoy your donuts if you want).  Chip timing provided by Vector Timing!

DUCKY BEAST (1/2 marathon): Run a total of 13 miles and eat 13 donuts! (Basically a half-marathon). You'll get a baker's dozen of donuts and a finisher award, if you finish, plus we will have chip timing and awards for the fastest male and female participants). All 1/2 marathon runners will start at 7:00am and have until 11:00am to finish. (you can probably walk most of it and still finish). Chip timing provided by Vector Timing!

All participants will also get a coupon to come back to Duck Donuts and get Warm, Delicious & Made To Order Donut (after you've let your stomach settle for a few days).

We love having volunteers help us put this on. All volunteers will get a free Grit League T-Shirt and a Free Race Entry (say you have a spouse that wants to run, but you don't, you can volunteer, get them in for free, and then be there to cheer them on).  

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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