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Miles for Midwives Virtual Fun Run/Walk/Play 2020

Mon September 14, 2020 Portland, OR 97206 US Directions

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Race Website

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Virtual Race
Portland, OR US 97206


Miles For Midwives is an event designed to bring together those who support quality healthcare for women and families in our community! This annual fundraiser hosted by The Oregon Affiliate of the American College of Nurse-Midwives aims to bring out all ages, genders, and fitness levels for an ongoing event of fun and community building. 

In 2020, Miles for Midwives is going virtual! Ten percent of proceeds will benefit Melanated Midwives, an organization that provides educational grants to student midwives of color. Register now!

Virtual race window 
September 14-October 5, 2020              
Prizes from local businesses will be awarded to participants who bring in the most donations!

Exercise anywhere you want. Then log activity and see yourself move on our map and leaderboards. Catch a Google street view of your virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest runs! 

Check out our Facebook and website for more information on virtual races and how to sign up.

History of Miles for Midwives

The Oregon Affiliate of the American College of Nurse-Midwives has a long and active history in Oregon. Over the years our Affiliate has worked to keep the community we serve informed of the role of nurse-midwives and certified midwives in delivering care to Oregon families. This annual event has brought health-care providers, families, and community members together for eight years now. 

How the proceeds will be used

After covering the expenses of the race, funds will be used to support local chapters of Nurse-Family Partnership, Melanated Midwives, scholarships for midwifery education, training for student midwives, and legislation that promotes high-quality healthcare for women, families, and communities in Oregon.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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