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Tails & Trails 5k

Sat April 13, 2019 Chester Springs, PA 19460 US Directions


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1149 Pike Spring Road
Chester Springs, PA US 19460


Mark your calendars for the eighth annual Tails & Trails 5K Run/2K Walk on Saturday, April 13th 2019! Tails & Trails has become a highly-anticipated, family-friendly event welcoming all members, including those who are four-legged and furry, to attend. Set on a cross country-style course traversing rolling hills, this race offers sprawling views of MLAR's 60-acre farm, the surrounding countryside, and spring foliage. Stick around post-race for a lively after-party with food, beer, raffles, adoptable animals, and more.

7:30AM to 8:45AM
Race begins at 9:00AM
Rain or shine!

Registration Fees
$30 on or before March 16th, 2019
*all early registrations include free Tails & Trails t-shirt!
$35 after March 16th, 2019

Pickering Meade Farm
Home of Main Line Animal Rescue
1149 Pike Springs Road
Phoenixville, PA 19460


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