Race Website
Additional race information can be found at https://www.runragnar.com/event-detail/relay/wasatchback?utm_source=sportoften.com&utm_medium=Online%20Calendar&utm_content=calendar_rr_wasatch%20back.
Logan, UT US 84321
Reebok Ragnar Wasatch Back 2017 is better than ever! If it’s been a few years since you’ve run the granddaddy of all relays, then 2017 will feel like a brand new adventure. There are less teams on the course, less traffic, and course changes designed to make this the best Wasatch Back ever. It starts in Northern Utah in the city of Logan and traverses across the back of Utah’s rough and tough Wasatch Mountains. Teams will find their inner wild as they cross three mountain passes, meander through fields of summer wildflowers and run beneath billions of stars. This is the race that inspired the rest of the series! Learn for yourself why so many runners have Ragnar stickers on their car, or come back and do it bigger, better and faster than before.
Race Participant Survey
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