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18th Annual Block Melanoma 5K Run & 2 Mile Walk

Sun June 11, 2023 Waukesha, WI 53132 US Directions


5K Run

9:00AM CDT

2 Mile Walk

10:15AM CDT

Kids Run

8:45AM CDT
Open to ages 1 - 12.


Frame Park
1120 Baxter St
Waukesha, WI US 53132


AIM at Melanoma Foundation presents the 18th Annual Block Melanoma 5K Run and 2 Mile Walk. 
If you or a loved one have been touched by melanoma, NOW is the time to step up. NOW is the time to help provide hope and inspiration to those fighting melanoma and to act on behalf of future patients.

Block Melanoma helps raise funds to end melanoma, and your participation and fundraising make all the difference. The money you raise goes to AIM’s groundbreaking research initiatives like our International Melanoma Tissue Bank Consortium.

You'll never forget how attending this event made you feel - empowered, hopeful, excited, proud, and so much more. This is one day you'll remember all year. Join us on race day to honor all those affected by the world’s deadliest skin cancer, melanoma.

Race Day Instructions


All participants registered by June 1st are guaranteed a custom, dry wick, UV reflecting shirt.

Schedule and packet pickup


You do not need to print it. We will need to scan the QR code on the receipt, though, so please have your email accessible on your mobile device or save a picture of your receipt with the QR code to your device’s image library. 

8:00 am packet pickup - NEW TIME
8:30 am opening ceremony
8:45 am kid's run
9:00 am run starts
10:00 am awards
10:15 am walk starts

Picking up more than one packet

If you are picking up for more than a couple people, please do the following:
1. Put all of their QR codes on one sheet of paper OR
2. Write all of their names on one sheet of paper (last name, first name, tshirt).

That will make your life a whole lot easier when you go to hand out the info to your team.

Aid Stations

There is one aid station on the run course.


The 5K course is super flat and fast and accessible to runners or all ages and abilities. The run course is two laps around the Fox River using paved trails within the park.  All runners will run by the finish line after their first lap (not through) -- on their second lap, runners will run through the finish line. In order to accommodate a shared start/finish line, the 5K course is slightly longer (about 5.5 km, or 3.4 miles).

Walkers will complete one lap around the park.


The race is chip timed by Silver Circle Sports Events, LLC with a chip start. Your time will start when you cross the start line and stops when you cross the finish line. Please place your bib on the front of your torso.

How to wear your bib.

Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers for everything from goody bag stuffing to course marshals. If you or your group have an interest in volunteering, we would greatly appreciate the assistance. All volunteers can run a future race at no charge. Register to volunteer by clicking on the volunteer link in the menu above.

Creating A Team

How to become a fundraiser and join a fundraising team:

1. During the third step of registration, you will be prompted to become a fundraiser.
2. Click on the purple button "Become a Fundraiser".
3. Enter your information
4. Near the bottom of the screen, you can create a fundraising team or join a fundraising team.
5. Click Continue

Editing your fundraising page:

1. Go to
2. Click the blue avatar in the top right side of the screen
3. Select profile
4. Scroll down to Fundraising
5. Select "Edit Fundraiser".


Refunds are not permitted for any reason.

The event will be held unless severe weather occurs. In the event of severe weather, the race director may delay or cancel the event. If the event is canceled, there will be no refunds. The event has a NO REFUND policy.

How to transfer, change shirt sizes and change distances

Login into
Select your Profile.
Scroll down to the race you would like to modify.
Select "Manage Registration".
All of your options will be listed in the menu.

National Sponsors

National In-Kind Sponsors

Local Sponsors

Location & Parking

Parking is available in multiple lots in Frame Park.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


MapMyRun Map

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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