300 South Main Street
Lawrenceburg, KY US 40342
Join us in Lawrenceburg as Beth Cesario completes her 120 County Challenge with a 5K in Anderson County!
- FREE RACE! Entry fee is a small grocery bag of non-perishable food or $10 donation to Lawrenceburg First Christian Church
- Marked and accurately measured course
- Overall & Age Group Awards (0-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+)
- Free Race Photos
- 5K Run/Walk (manually timed) and 1 Mile Fun Walk (untimed)
- Food fun and fellowship and a Post Race Celebration for Beth!
- Convenient race morning packet pickup (9-10am)
All food and monetary donations will support the Blessing Box at Lawrenceburg First Christian Church. This Blessing Box is a place where people in need in the community can come and get what they need to get by.
PROPOSED ROUTE Route is subject to change but this will likely be our route. 138 feet in elevation change. There will be a water stop on the course that runners will pass by twice on the 5K route. 1 Mile Walk will be a simple out and back.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Beth Cesario --- Going For County #120 in The Commonwealth!
Come help us recognize the newest member of the 120 County Club in Kentucky. Beth Cesario from Lexington has completed a 5K race in 119 of Kentucky's 120 counties. Now she sets her sights on Anderson County (Lawrenceburg, KY) on January 4th. Her father Leo Mcmillen started all of this when he completed the 120 County Challenge years ago. Since then, 10 others have completed this feat. We hope you'll join us to celebrate with Beth on January 4th!
-2024 Race Photos - Thanks Ruby Cline-Eaton!
All photos are free to download, share and enjoy.