3000 Freys Hill Road
Louisville, KY US 40241
Join us for the KDVA 5K Run, Walk, and Stroll Saturday, October 11th at E.P. Tom Sawyer Park in Louisville. The run will begin at 9am with race day check opening at 8am. The event kicks off the Louisville Week of Valor celebration and highlights the programs and services to end Veterans Homelessness.
Registration is FREE (Donations are accepted)! All participants will receive a race day t-shirt if registered by September 26th (shirts cannot be guaranteed after this date due to printing deadlines)
All proceeds will go to the Kentucky Homeless Veterans Trust Fund. This event is presented by the Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs.
Chip timing and results will be provided by Central Kentucky Race Management & Bigfoot Timing.
What is the Kentucky Homeless Veterans Trust Fund?
KDVA Homeless Veterans Program is a proven, successful program that gets homeless veterans off the streets and provides assistance to those at imminent risk of homelessness by connecting them with resources across the state. Resources include but are not limited to:
Immediate needs - food, clothing, access to shelter
access to homeless veteran providers
assistance with Rent and Utilities
What is the KDVA?
Governor Paul Patton established the Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs (KDVA) in 1998. He charged the Department with helping veterans and their families obtain all federal, state, and local veterans benefits to which they are entitled. Kentucky began building a Department capable of significantly assisting Kentucky’s large veteran population.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.