Shelbyville Triathlon Series Race #2
Shelbyville Triathlon Series Race #3
Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
Shelbyville, KY US 40065
Join The Fun
Have a fitness resolution for the new year? Hate the bike trainer and treadmill? Just can't wait till spring to start the season? This series is for you. We will race in some way, shape or form no matter the weather! So sign up now and give yourself a goal to keep you motivated this winter.
The Series
The series will consist of 3 races. The first event will be run/bike/swim and the last 2 will be in the normal order of events (subject to change based on the weather. The overall male and female series winners will be awarded at the of the series.
Race #1 Feb 26 3K Run/6 Mile Bike/400 yd Swim
Race #2 March 26 400 yd Swim/12 Mile Bike/5K Run
Race #3 April 23 400 yd Swim/18 Mile Bike/5K Run
The Courses
The 400 yd swim takes place in the parks indoor pool at Clear Creek Park's Family Activity Center with participants swimming a serpentine pattern across the pool. There will be a staggered start for 2 and 3. The bike courses are challenging loops with a few large hills. The Run courses are out and back within the park grounds on firm surfaces.
Participants completing all 3 races will receive a medal
Awards will be presented to the Overall Male and Female finishers in each race.
Age group male and female, 14 & under and 5 year increments thereafter,
Overall male and female series winners will also receive a special award.
Family Activity Center. Showers will be available after the race.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.