Lagrange Street
West Roxbury, MA US 02132
Ready to Race?
Join us for the 31st Annual Corrib Classic 5K - one of the best fun runs in Boston!
Billings Field
Lagrange Street, West Roxbury, MA 02132
Race starts at noon
Register Online! Registration will remain open until the race starts. Bib pickup starts on the field at 10am the day of the race.
Register early: The first 500 participants receive a t-shirt.
Stay after and enjoy post-race food and music!
We also have a free Kid's Fun Run starting at 10am. Ages: 4-12. Come early and register on-site.
Early Bib number pick up on Saturday, May 31 from 3-6pm at the Corrib Pub & Restaurant, West Roxbury.
Thank you for your continued support to help local charities.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.