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Winter Warriors at Fleet Feet Gaithersburg

Mon December 2 - Wed February 26 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 US Directions



201 Market St W
Gaithersburg, MD US 20878


Winter Warriors 2024

December 2, 2024-February 26, 2025

Monday and Wednesday: 6-7pm

Saturday: 8-9am


The only rule is that you cannot complain about the weather!

Winter Warriors is here to provide some fun and fitness accountability during the cold short days and even colder long nights that otherwise keep us inside. We want to help you make, or keep, running in your regular practice - summer races are accomplished during winter training!


Register for $35
Join the Strava group
Attend group runs/walks (3 per week)
Each run/walk is a point toward a prize
Attend all 3 runs/walks and you get an extra point
Show up when it is raining, snowing, or cold (the worse the weather, the more points you get!)


Everyone! Walkers and runners, beginners and experts
Attended children and pups are invited, too!


3 months of point-eligible social runs and themed runs (in rain, snow, and cold)
Planned running/walking routes from 1-3.1 miles
Themed runs
Santa/Ugly Sweater 5k
Resolution Run 5k
Cupid’s 5k
Share the Run 5k
Every run/walk is an entry into a weekly prize drawing
There will not be a run/walk 12/25/24 or 01/01/2025
New friends!


+1: each run
+1 extra: attend all 3 runs in one week
+1 extra: themed run
+1 extra: rain or temperatures below 35 (official temperature based on run group leader’s weather app)

Every point for the week gives you an entry to the weekly giveaway!


All participants must sign a waiver
All participants have to sign in AND OUT of each run
You must stick to the route. There will be a 5k route planned and if you want to do less, then you will follow the route until you reach your halfway point and return along the path you began on
If you want to run further, you must checkout before continuing
Fleet Feet reserves the right to make changes based upon themes, dates, and weather
Run at your own risk
Please wear reflective gear


Will there be pacers? 
What if I cannot attend a group run/walk?
Complete your run/walk on your own, track it on Strava, and send the results to TeddiJo
I am a member of Dog Haus Running Club - on Mondays can I sign in for that AND get my Winter Warrior’s points?

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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