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Sat March 22, 2025 Poolesville, MD 20837 US Directions



10:00AM EDT


17014 Tom Fox Ave
Poolesville, MD US 20837


Join us on Saturday, March 22, 2025, for a fun run- in color!  This is a run/walk for everyone!  1-101, we've got a spot for you! Each registered participant will receive the Color Run t-shirt and a pair of sunglasses (let's protect those eyes from the sun AND the color powder!)!  These items will be available AT the run, during check in time. 

Please note- there are 4 different times available to register for!  This is so that every participant gets COLORFUL and has fun!  Please chose a race time, on the Sign-Up Genius link provided, once you have registered. If you are not prompted to the sign-up, here is the info- Please register EACH participant for a time slot here: For those who may be unfamiliar with a color run, this is a fun run in which volunteers will toss colored powder on you while you run or walk by. It is a good idea to wear clothing that you don't mind getting dirty and getting color powder on...including your shoes!! Take 2 laps around the field at JPMS and get colorful, enjoy some good tunes, AND support the JPMS PTSA at the same time!  

**Our rain date for this event is Saturday, March 29, 2025**We are unable to provide refunds for any reason other than complete cancellation of our event. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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