7 Mile Run
89 High Street
Eastport, ME US 04631
The Charles E Davis Independence Run is in its 55th year .There are two options (one choice) - a 7 mile run or a 4 mile walk. The event will be on Sunday June 29 with a 9AM start time. A person can sign up here (RunSignUp - much preferred) or register the day of the race between 7:30AM and 8:30AM at Shead HS, 89 High St., Eastport Maine,. Bib pick-up for all registrants is also at Shead High School between 7:30 and 8:30AM on June 29. All runners and walkers will be bused out to the respective start lines. The run starts in Perry at the junction of Route 1 and route 190 and ends on the Eastport Breakwater with the bulk of the race going along Route 190 (County Rd.). The 4 mile walk starts on Carlow Island on Route 190 and continues on the same route as the run and ends at the Breakwater.
The age groups will be in 10 year groups starting with below 18, 19-29 thru 70-79 with an 80+. Awards for the overall top 3 male and female and then only winners of age groups male and female. Only top walker will receive an award - one award. Any runner who is below the age of 18 will need a parent's permission.
Bus Transportation will leave for the starting line from Shead HS at 8:40AM - if a runner or walker misses the bus they will be responsible for getting to the start lines on their own.
Registration day of is $35 by cash or check. In person walk registrants must pay $20 by cash or check. There are no debit or credit card payments.
PLEASE NOTE Financial help: If any registrant has difficulty meeting the payment requirements ($30/run - $20/walk) please email Phil at and some financial arrangement can be worked out. Financial insecurity WILL NOT be an impediment to participation. We will find a way for you to run or walk the race.
Registration Fee's
Early Bird Pricing (February 1 to February 28) - $25
Regular Registration ( March 1 to June 29) - $30
Late Day of Registration - $35
NOTE: There has been an increase in price for the run because income must stay in line with expenses. I believe this last increase ($25 to $30) should insure the solvency of the event.
Thank you - Phil
Course Information
Contrary to what many are used to – the event – runners and walkers – will take place on the right side (with traffic) of the road. There will be a police escort leading the runners and an ambulance in the rear. The reason for the right side are many – escort – large intersections on the left side – wider shoulders on the right side. In the past the walkers have tended to walk on the left side but they should be encouraged to stay on the right side – the same as runners. The danger is when the runners catch the walkers and there are people on both sides of the highway. PLEASE stay on the right side of the highway.
General Race Day information
Plan for the weather:
If two or more cars are available – one car can be left at the HS and another car can be left in the lot on Sullivan St (very close to the finish) – this way transport back to the HS would be possible. The Port Authority – across from the finish line – can be used to change wet shirts in the men’s and woman’s restrooms. Please limit the change for shirts only as I do not want to extend the graciousness of the Port Authority people – and – to limit amount of time used in the restrooms.
The race will be run and walked in the rain. If there is the possibility of lightning then a decision will be made at race time.
The bus will leave the Shead HS at 8:45am. I have talked with the bus driver and he has indicated that he will fill the bus to capacity. Again if there are two cars available one person might consider driving to the start line if there is a car that can be left at the HS. This would be helpful and alleviate the bus-crush.
Registration/Check-in: 7:30am-8:30am
👉🏼 Directions here
All online registrants will have their bibs and give-away (embroidered shopping bags) waiting for them. All same day registrants will have to write down appropriate information and pay by check or cash. Also there will be an electronic option fro registration and payment. All participants can stay inside the HS in possible inclement weather ad be protected from the elements. There will be bathrooms available.
Start-line plan: 9:00am Start
👉🏼 Directions here
The walkers will be dropped off by bus at the four mile mark and the bus will continue with runners to the 7 mile mark. If any walkers have a ride to the 4 mile mark they can take it – with whoever transports them leaving with the transport car at the walk-start. The walkers and runners will start simultaneously at the gun horn in Perry Corner. There will be one Port-O-John at the runner start line. All participants will start after the singing of God Bless America by Jennifer Gillies of Pembroke.
Finish line plan:
👉🏼 Directions here
The finish line area will have safety barriers this year. As soon as runners/walkers pass Kilby St. (a block and a half before finish line) they will enter a section in which cars and traffic are barred. The finish line is in the front of the Quoddy Tides newspaper office – right before the Breakwater. Spectators will be protected by the barriers. Any participant or spectator can go into the Port Authority Building to get out of the rain if needed. There will be food and drink inside the building.
I feel that the people that finish last are as important as the winners. Therefore the award ceremony will not start until the last person crosses the finish line. If for some reason if there is an inordinate set of circumstances that go way beyond even an abnormal situation a determination will be made by the race organizers if the award ceremony is to be accelerated.. However, with food and a protected building, camaraderie among participants should suffice to wait for the last participants.
There will be finisher medals this year with overall first, second, and third male and female receiving packets of Raye’s Mustard. Age groups winners will receive the famous Breakwater Bagel cinnamon buns.
See you Sunday
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Past Winners of the Charles E. Davis Races can be found here (PDF)
2023 Results from the 53rd running of the Charles E. Davis Perry to Eastport
2023 Photos - Please give all credit to Stacie Cushing
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