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Frankfort-Run Michigan Cheap

Sun September 17, 2017 Frankfort, MI 49635 US Directions


10 mile

9:00AM EDT


9:00AM EDT


9:00AM EDT


903 Main St
Frankfort, MI US 49635


This race will be run at the Frankfort Boat Launching Facility. Run Michigan Cheap strives to make races more AFFORDABLE while also delivering a fun, healthy and competitive running atmosphere.

FOR MORE INFORMATION, on course description, T-shirt cut off date, price increase, bathrooms, ect., GO TO

Race Entry Gifts
All entrants will receive a FREE shirt (if registered by the cut off date stated on our website). You may also buy shirt the day of the event (quantities limited). ALL finishers of the race will receive a medal!

Race Website

 Packet pickup will be day of race.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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