Fruitport, MI US 49415
In Cooperation with the Fruitport Old Fashioned Days Parade. Come out and Test your True Mile Speed while being cheered on by a line of parade watchers. This unique race is sure to get the adrenaline going.
This year, participants will recieve a registration T-Shirt. We would like you to wear the shirt during the race. The shirt will have a name of a Fruitport resident who has or is serving their country in the armed forces. Run/walk a mile in their name.
1:45pm, Monday, May 26 Memorial Day
Number pick up:
12:30-1:30 pm by Edgwood Elementary School and the softball field. Late registration until 1:30pm.
Park where you can in the lots by Edgwood and the high school.
NOTICE: Come early as they shut the roads down for the parade. Roads close at 1:40.
The race will begin in front of Edgewood Elementary School on Pontaluna Rd, follow the parade route and finish by the carnival. The race begins at 1:45 followed by the parade.
First, Second and Third place overall male and female will recieve awards
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.